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Hawks needs holes in his clothes for his wings but they can't be big otherwise his back will be cold.
See the problem???

I see TWO possible solutions that he came up with in order to be able to wear clothes.

ONE. Before putting on or removing an article of clothing he makes all his feathers leave. With them gone he can slip the clothes over the stubs. Obviously he puts the feathers back on afterwards.

(the image surprisingly shows what I'm talking about perfectly, it's surprising because I found the image after I wrote this)

If he practices enough it's possible that the whole process could take like 30 seconds so it's convenient and easy.

Idea number 2: his clothes are
                        V E L C R O
Imagine pants everyone wears during basketball but holding his clothes together.

Pro: quick, easy, no feathers, clothes aren't ripped, villains can't grab him by clothes cause it'll open

Con: pricey as have to buy specially made clothes, easily ripped so he'll lose sleeves all over the place, might be uneven, he'll play with it in meetings and drive the other pros crazy.

You can decide which method you think he uses but personally I think he just removes his feathers cause that's the way he is.

Thanks for reading
now I'm going to binge Banana Fish until 6am or something because I'm sad and want to finish it before school tomorrow


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