Midoriya? Bakugo?

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This theory/headcannon is basically extremely extended version of something i briefly mentioned in my headcannons yesterday about Midoriya. i had basically told yall that Midoriya is simultaneously similar and the complete opposite to Bakugo.

Its a very hard thing to explain but alas i will try this sweltering evening.

my first piece of evidence to support this claim is their colours. Before i go further im hoping you're aware of the colour wheel ideologies and such with colour coding characters as im not going into very much detail for each of their colors.

When i learnt their colours (green and orange) i wasn't surprised by the colour themselves more the traits that colour involves. and that helps us understand how they can be so similar yet so different.

lets go to the basics, both green and orange are secondary colors meaning their characters should in theory have supporting roles. That is part of the reason why they are such fascinating characters.

They are both a 'supporting' character into the limelight. and they both face challenges on being the 'main character'. i hope this is making sense. Though their struggles are simply point extremely different, likewise their wayd of coping, they still come out the other side learning the same lesson. (basically)

i also feel like its important to mention that one the colour wheel they are contrasting colours or something which is meant to show that they have similar ways but different tactics that fit nicely together. Or something like that, i haven't seen much on colour coded characters since last year and im basing this on my memory.

Other important factors to consider for why they share traits is that they grew up together. when you share large amounts of time with someone, it is common for you to adapt some of their traits that make them who they are. Which just strengthens my other headcannon that Midoriya swears a lot when not around adults.

being around each other a lot in key development stages means its nkr very surprising to know that they have the same (mostly the same) ambition and person they look up to (all might). sharing these key features means that they're automatically more alike than people imagine.

The identifying traits that are unique yo themselves were grown from trauma they sustained as a child so that's the explanation for why they tackle proems from different angles.

thanks for reading,
hope it makes sense :)

it wasn't exactly what i had in mind when i started writing but i can always touch base with my other ideas on another day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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