First Day Back

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If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."– Milton Berle

After the day that I had yesterday I just wanted to get back to reality and that was my secret job at I.C.K. Today I was scheduled to return but for some strange reason I wasn't excited to be back. Whether it had something to do with Amadeo Ramiro or the fact that Devonte was being shady, everything just seemed out of focus. 

When the elevator door opened and revealed the familiar office I breathed a sigh and strolled towards my office. I received countless welcome backs as I headed towards my office. 

I pushed open my office doors then closed them behind me once I was inside. I placed down my things then immediately fired up my laptop. I had a lot of pending request and stuff that I needed to do. My first order of business was to find out something about Devonte's plan and I knew the perfect way to get a head start. I picked up my office phone and called Yara. 

Five minutes passed and she came barging through my door with nothing but smiles and a coffee in her hand. 

"You have no idea how happy I am that you are back!" She exclaimed as she sat in the chair in front of my desk. 

"Well I'm also glad to be back, how has everything been around here?" I asked as I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face, because who couldn't like this girl?

"Busy as usual me personally, I am pretty exhausted. Yesterday I had to take down five men and you know I like the fight." She giggled.

" I would hate to see those guys." I laughed as I shook my head. 

At that same moment I heard a knock from my door. 

"Come in!" I shouted as I watched the door open and revealed Devonte. We haven't spoken since he came to my house and tried scolding me on business that doesn't concern him. 

"Hey Haven, I just wanted to officially welcome you back, you should see a document from me shortly." He said as he turned to walk back out without waiting for me to reply and giving a curt nod to Yara.

As he disappeared Yara let out a loud sigh and I looked at her in confusion. 

"Things aren't going good between you two are they?" I asked as I got up to move to the seat next to hers. 

" No we haven't talked in a while and the other day I thought that everything was fine but turns out he just wanted a quick fuck. I don't know why I always go crawling back whenever he decides he wants me back." She sobbed and I held her hand to try to console her. 

"Because you love him, it's okay to love someone even though they hurt you but eventually you will get tired of carrying that hurt and you will begin to say no to him." I consoled as I watched her intently. 

"He has been so busy and secretive lately, having lots of meetings with some guy named Alcuz Ramiro." She continued to sob.

Alcuz Ramiro? Something definitely was up and I needed to find out more, so much more.

"Yara everything in time will be good, it may not go the way that you want it to but I promise you it will be fine. "I whispered and she nodded her head.

"I should get back to work but it was good talking to you." She smiled as she got up and left. 

Ten minutes after she left I took up my badge and headed downstairs. There was only one way that I could get all of the information that I needed and that was the IT office.

 When I arrived downstairs I was greeted by William and thankfully he was the only one here today. 

"William I need a big favor." I pleaded as I followed behind him. 

"Anything for you Haven." He said with a smile. 

"There was a mission I did a while ago and in my report I think I messed up some of the details. Can I go in storage and look for it, I will only be five minutes." I said in a desperate tone.

" I don't know, you know I'm not allowed to let anyone back there." He said with a look of contemplation on his face. 

"I promise I won't be long this would mean so much to me." I appealed and he let go a loud sigh. 

"Fine but five minutes." He stated.

"That's all I need." I said as I turned and walked towards the storage room. Everything in I.C.K had to be done both virtually and manually just incase of anything going wrong. Anything you needed to know was held in storage and all I needed was Devonte's company information. 

I searched through the files until I came across Devonte's file. I took a picture of his pass code and his financial information for I.C.K. Since I had time remaining I looked over some of his past mission reports. I found nothing involving Alcuz Ramiro which set off even more red flags in my mind. 

I quickly placed back everything and left storage. 

"Thanks William you are a life saver." I praised as I left his office.

Now that I have his information I needed the perfect opportunity to get into his office and seek everything that I needed.  In order to do that I would need his schedule with that in mind I headed towards his office and knocked on the door. 

He told me to come in so I walked into his office and sat in the chair across from his desk. 

" What can I help you with? I am really busy Haven, I'm getting ready to leave the country in two days and I need everything ready by then." He muttered as he continued typing away on his laptop. 

Well that was way easier than I thought, I began to smirk with my inner self. In exactly two days I will know everything that I needed to know. 

"Nothing I guess it's not important have a safe flight." I said and I took his silence as a thanks and headed out of his office. 

This was looking up to be a great first day back.



Is Haven getting closer to uncovering what Devonte is hiding? Keep reading to find out. If you enjoyed this chapter Vote, leave a comment and share with friends. Also follow me on Wattpad to be the first to get update notifications of His Safe Haven. 

Until Next Time.........

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