Please No Formalities

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"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." -Helen Keller

We were currently driving up a long driveway and when we reached the top I was in awe. The first thing that came into view was a huge fountain in the middle of the driveway. There was a few stairs leading up to the entrance of the mansion. The trees surrounding the home was so green and plush. The mansion was Mediterranean styled with tall columns all over, I could tell it had history because of all of the vines and leaves that had grown onto the sides but it complimented it. This place was huge and magnificent. 

As the car came to a halt Amadeo came around to my side to open the door for me. As soon as I got out I saw an elderly lady standing by the front door. 

As we approached her, her face lit up and she engulfed Amadeo into a hug as she screamed "mio patatino" (my little potato)

"It's so good to see you nonna." He smiled back at her. 

"And who is this beautiful lady." She asked as the both of them turned around to look at me. 

"This is Haven Davis, a friend of mine." He said with a knowing smirk. 

She walked towards me and also greeted me with a hug. 

"Pleasure to meet you I'm Gia Ramiro or nonna for you kids, I'm Amadeo's grandmother." She gleamed with excitement. 

"Come in, come in." She said as she ushered us into her beautiful home. 

As I walked inside I was amazed at the beauty of this place. The art was amazing and the design of this place was so unique. 

Amadeo showed me to my room and I begun unpacking my clothes into one of the available drawers. My room had a balcony overlooking the side of the property. I could see the gardens and the vast amount of trees. 

I took a shower and changed into a long sleeved, off the shoulder, black and white shirt with a brown, short skirt that ended way above my knees and paired it with some black boots. I released my hair from the ponytail and ran my hands through it. I took one final look in the mirror before I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. 

I wandered into the kitchen where Gia was preparing a meal. I could smell all of the different aromas stirring in that one big pot.

"Your food smells amazing Gia." I said with a smile.

"Thank you and please it's nonna." She replied as she dipped a spoon into the pot and handed it to me. She signaled for me to try it and I blew on it a few times before placing the spoon into my mouth. I smiled as I handed her back the spoon.

"It tastes amazing." I stated as I watched her in her element. Of-course she was an older lady but definitely not in spirit. I sat in admiration as she glided through the kitchen adding things to her pot and humming softly.

I heard footsteps coming towards us and somehow I knew that it was Amadeo.

He walked towards nonna and planted a kiss on her cheek before turning to look at me. His eyes bore into mine as he took in my appearance.

"Bella I was looking all over for you." He said as he walked closer towards me.

" I was just keeping nonna company." I stated as I looked up at him.

"I have somewhere I'd like to show you." He said as he outstretched his hand. I took it and excused myself from nonna.

He led the way as we strolled past the gardens and headed further into the trees. I looked around and the home was very secluded apart from a few gardeners. As we continued to walk further and further I admired how tall the trees were. Eventually everything cleared away and before us stood a very small but beautiful lake-house.

Amadeo led me inside and I quickly looked around as he continued to walk out back towards the lake. It was beautiful and still, it was simply amazing. I gasped as I looked out at the water. 

"This is my favorite place to be in the entire place, besides my family you are the only other person that knows about this place." He said breaking the silence and pulling me closer to him. His gaze settled on my lips and it's like I couldn't bring myself to look away.

"Why bring me to a place that means so much to you?" I asked him while trying to avoid his gaze. 

"Because bella I hope that some of our best memories can happen here." He whispered near my ear and slowly let his head drop to my neck where he let his lips graze my skin. This was absolute torture.  

He slowly pulled away while saying "We should get back nonna doesn't like to be kept waiting. 

When we returned we sat and ate nonna's delicious meal and once we were finished Amadeo disappeared to handle some business so I offered to help nonna with the dishes.

"I'm glad that my grandson is finally with someone that makes him forget about work for a while, sometimes he needs it." She mentioned as she handed me a plate to dry off. 

"Nonna Amadeo and I are just business associates." I replied while shaking my head. 

"Well call me crazy because Amadeo doesn't bring business associates to meet me usually he just stays at a hotel while entertaining business associates but I guess he probably couldn't find a hotel." She said with a smirk before handing me the last dish and whistling as she walked away.

After today I was kind of exhausted so I headed up to my room and took a bath then afterwards I changed into an over-sized t-shirt and headed to bed. 

I checked my emails to make sure that I was not missing out on anything and replied to those who needed attention. 

Soon after I heard a knock on my door and I shouted come in.

Amadeo came in and sat next to me on the bed. 

"I just came to say goodnight, be ready to leave at nine tomorrow, we have business to attend to." He whispered as his eyes took in my appearance. 

"Goodnight." I replied waiting for him to leave but moments passed and he never did. 

"God you're so fucking beautiful." He groaned as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. 

I couldn't suppress the heat that rose to my face. 

"Ama-" I begun but stopped myself realizing that I was about to call him by his first name and once I did that it would mean that the line has been crossed and I can't, I just can't.

"For once bella just say my name, fuck the formalities." He pleaded as he searched my eyes. 

"I can't." I whispered and he let go a sigh before finally leaving. 

As soon as he was gone I felt lonely and heartbroken not only for him but for me because the first guy that comes along  that makes my heart race and makes me want to risk it all will also want me dead if he ever found out I killed his father. 

So for now I needed to keep it professional between us instead of living out a fantasy that could never be real because let's face it he is far from normal and so am I.

Will Haven be able to resist much longer or will she slowly begin to crumble, keep reading to find out. 

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Until Next Time......

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