The Marino Take Down

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"It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required."
― Winston S. Churchill

Tomorrow was finally the day. The day that I would take a short vacation from killing people. It was also the day that I would go hunting for somewhere to call my home. Since I begun this journey I just moved from hotel to hotel not ever staying in one place for too long. I somehow managed to persuade Devonte to let me get a place of my own.

Upon leaving the hotel I stopped for some coffee then I drove over to my office. Although I was an assassin I had to live a normal life so that no one would ever suspect that that's what I was. So I did the one thing that I was born to do, I became a business consultant. At first a lot of people didn't trust my advice because of how young I was, after all I was only 23. I managed to obtain a degree and I somehow just found it natural. The name of my company was HD Consulting but no one but one person knew what it stood for.

I arrived at the office and greeted the receptionist before heading to the elevator. The familiar ding went off indicating that I had arrived on my floor.

I greeted my assistant Carly before heading into my office. I was expecting Devonte any time now because he was bringing my assignment.

As if on que my intercom went off. " Ms. Davis, Mr.Huges is here to see you. Should I send him in?" Carly asked and I gave her the ok.

Devonte came in and made his self  too comfortable as always by placing his foot on my coffee table.

"You know I hate it when you do that." I sighed as I walked over and pushed his feet off and he let out a loud chuckle.

"I know, I just do it to piss you off." He said as he watched my every move. When I first met him I was intimidated by his intrusive stare but I soon realized that he used that to try to size up someone or make them feel small under his intense stare.

Once I realized that, I refused to let him have that power over me. After all I wasn't called the best for nothing.

"Be careful, I'm told I am a very dangerous woman." I giggled as I sat across from him not afraid to meet his gaze.

"So I'm told. Down to business." He said as he handed me the folder that he was holding.

In the folder contained the usual but I soon recognized the name of the client.

"You want me to kill Marino Ramiro?" I asked in shock. The guy was one of the biggest mobsters in the city.

"Yes." Was all he said like if this was a normal situation. It's not that I couldn't kill him but it would be the consequences that would come after.

"Why do you need Marino dead?" I asked as I looked at him in disbelief.

"You know we get hired by people to deliver. Our client is depending on this deal to go through so don't fuck this up." Was all Devonte said before he got up to go.

"Just get it done Nyx." He muttered before he closed the door behind him.

Normally a job this big would require more than one contract killer but knowing that he wanted me to do this by myself just screamed red flags in my mind.

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind because Devonte has never given me a reason to doubt him.

I immediately started looking up as much information as I could gather, whatever I came up with had to be done tonight.

Couple hours later I found out that there was going to be a very prestigious auction going on tonight regarding black market goods. I knew Marino would show up because if its one thing I learnt throughout the years is that mobsters love a pissing contest. Showing off who has the most money and how they could afford to spend it on every and anything.

I left the office early and headed towards one of I.C.K 's local headquarters. It was upstairs an antique shop so no one suspected a thing.

Once I entered I greeted George and headed to the back to the elevators. Once the door opened everyone was running around busy and I walked to the dressing room to get ready. I put on my familiar black suit and took up my mask in my hand before heading to the guns department.

I figured the further away I was, the better it would be, so I picked out a sniper riffle and equipped myself with bullets and other essentials.

As I was heading out I was stopped by Yara." I heard about your assignment from Devonte." She whispered as she walked with me to the elevator.

Of course she did, Yara has been messing around with Devonte for as long as I could tell. They were very off and on which was very unhealthy for her. She was quite obsessed over him and I don't believe he really cared that much about her.

That aside she was the closest thing I had to a friend and I always tried to look out for her the best that I could.

"Yes well I just need to complete it so that I could get away from this place for a while." I muttered as I pushed the elevator button.

"Be careful." She whispered as she walked away.

I pressed the last button on the elevator for it to take me to the underground garage.  I needed a bullet proof car just in case my plan didn't go down as planned. I decided on the Aston martin and once everything was loaded I drove to the location.

I parked a few blocks away and begun the climb on top of one of the nearby buildings. I brought a few snacks to my stakeout so once I set up my gun, I began snacking.

I knew the security was going to be tight tonight so I had to wait for the perfect moment to take my shot.

Night time quickly rolled in and people begun to arrive at the auction. Shortly after my target arrived swarmed in guards but I knew that some where through the evening he wouldn't be with them.

I patiently waited, waiting for him to slip up and eventually he did. He came outside dragging a woman with one guard following behind him. He took her to the alleyway next to the building and begun ripping off her clothes. She was putting up a fight but he wasn't having it. Seeing that made my blood boil and I got ready to take my shot.

I aimed and squeezed the trigger as I watched as it hit the guard and I watched as Marino started to panic but before he could do anything I squeezed the trigger again and made sure it hit him. Once I saw him fall in his own pool of blood I got up and quickly took off without any interruptions. I drove back to headquarters and changed off before I headed back to my hotel room.

I took a shower and once I came out I found Devonte sitting on my bed.

"Nyx strikes again." He remarked as he clapped his hands together.

"You told me to get it done so I did, now if you don't mind I would like to get some sleep." I muttered as I walked pass him.

"Sure thing, the money has been wired to your account and I really am proud of you." He smiled before leaving my hotel room.

I knew from this day forward that nothing would ever be the same again.

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