Time For Change

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"It's only after you've stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform."
Roy T. Bennett

When I woke up the next day my phone was buzzing non stop. I got up and turned on the tv while I made breakfast. It was all over the news as I had expected, thankfully my vacation started from today so I would be able to lay low for a while. I was excited because I could put all of my time and efforts into my business. I honestly couldn't believe I killed one of the world's biggest mobsters but it all comes with the job.

Once I was finished eating, I showered and got ready for work. Once I was satisfied with my appearance I headed into work.

When I got up to my floor I greeted Carly and headed into my office. I immediately got busy with all the contracts that I wanted to look through before my real estate agent met up with me at twelve.

Time flew by and Carly paged me to let me know that Oliver was here.

As he walked in I couldn't help but take in his appearance. He was dressed like money and I couldn't deny how breathtaking he was with those alluring blue eyes and that cocky smile. Unfortunately for me I made up my mind a long time ago that I would never get anyone into my mess. Loving someone just means that person becomes your weakness and a target for your enemies.

"Pleasure seeing you again Ms. Davis." He said as he stepped forward and shook my hand.

"Nice to see you to Oliver." I replied with a smile, noting that he was taking a while to let go of my hand.

He slowly let go of my hand and took a seat and I took up my schedule before taking a seat next to him.

"I narrowed it down to three options you can visit all three today or if your sure about one we can just visit that one." He begun as he opened his folder and showed me my options.

As soon as I saw the third one I instantly fell in love. It was exactly what I was looking for. After we discussed everything we drove out to the house for an official house tour and once I had finished looking around I was ready to put in my offer for the house. Oliver excused himself to make a call to the sellers and I took that opportunity to imagine myself actually finding someone and being happy and eventually having kids. I could imagine their little feet running around the house but that's all it could ever be, just a thought.

I knew that I was still young but I knew in order for me to become a mom I would have to give up everything I'd ever known, I'd have to give up being me and I didn't know how I would be able to do that.

"Great news!" Oliver grinned, breaking me out of my current thoughts.

"The offer has been approved so I just need to collect the contract and once you sign the home will be officially yours." He said as he walked towards me.

"That's great Oliver, thank you. Without you none of this would be possible." I replied as I smiled up at him.

"I have a few things I need to get done so why don't I meet you later at Frankie's to sign the paperwork?" He asked as he watched me closely. Being this close to him and looking at the way he was looking at me made me flush. I couldn't help it.

"Sure that sounds like a plan just text me the time." I said trying not to feel this intimidated by his presence.

He held out his hand and I did the same and shook his hand but before he let go he gently rubbed his thumb against my hand. With one last smile he turned and headed towards his car and so did I.

I was beyond confused why such a small gesture made me feel butterflies in my stomach. I had to keep reminding myself that nothing could ever happen.

After I left the house I headed back to my office and finished up for the day. Oliver texted and told me to meet him at 6:30 so I wanted to finish everything by then. I had one more client I needed to see for the day and I had to be mentally prepared for her.

We got off on the wrong foot initially and I still disliked her but I had a job to do and I intended on completing it to the best of my ability.

As soon as she walked through the door she had a scowl on her face and I rolled my eyes at her lack of manners. She took a seat and just glared at me.

She was the heir of Motion-Cloud Tech and a real spoiled brat her name was Arabella Hayes. I was consulting with her father for over a year now and he got sick recently so she was filling in for the meantime. However, she was making my job impossible to do. 

We met a few months back at her parents' anniversary dinner and lets just say that introduction wasn't a good one.

"How may I assist you today Arabella?" I asked as I took a seat behind my desk. 

"I brought over the contract that one of our new investors handed to me today for you to look over. " She muttered as she handed me an envelope.

"Does your father know about this new investor?" I asked as I eyed her cautiously.

"No, he doesn't need to know about everything." She said as she glared at me.

"Well this is his company so yes he needs to know everything. I will review it and let my assistant give you a call once its finish." I said with a smile as I watched her squirm in her seat. She got up and barged out of the room and I immediately picked up the phone and called Mr.Hayes to inform him about the situation.

I recognized people that could actually manage a company from a mile away and Arabella Hayes wasn't one of them. If her father wasn't careful she would ruin everything that he worked for into the ground.

I finished up everything then I left to meet with Oliver. When I got to Frankie's he was already seated at a table scrolling through his phone.

"Hey." I greeted as I sat down and he looked up at me and smiled. Gosh what was it about his smile that drove me crazy.

"I have the contract ready for you to sign and I know how you are with contracts so I ordered something for us to eat while you read it over." He smirked as he handed me the contract. 

He was right I always read over contracts I mean that's kind of what I did for a living, kind of.

A plate of fries and two drinks later I was finished reading the contract and ready to sign. As I traced my name on the dotted lines I couldn't believe I was actually getting a house of my own.



Haven got herself a new house and things are going good.... for now. How are you liking it so far? Be sure to leave a comment, vote so I know that you enjoy it and so others can enjoy it and be sure to tell your friends drop by. Until next time.

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