... Are You Afraid?

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Cass walked back to the castle. On the way she was trying to figure out what could be wrong. Had the..incident been on his mind since it happened?

She arrived at the castle and was greeted with a warm happy embrace


She wasn't really suprised

"Hey Raps"

They pulled away and Rapunzel lost some of her excitement

"So what happened with Varian? Dis you find out what was going on?"

"Well...not exactly. He asked me if I saw him as a monster and brought up the battle of Corona then he just kind of flipped out and told me to go away."

Rapunzel smiled

"I wonder where I've seen this before"

She joked


"Well..after Zhan tiri was defeated you did the same thing. Only instead of pushing people away you got closer to them and got involved with work. Different people have different ways of coping"

"But the battle of Corona was 2 years ago"

"Well..sometimes it takes longer for some people to heal"

Rapunzel gently took Cassandras hand and looked into her eyes.

"How about we go back tommorow?"

Cassandra nodded and walked past her.

The next day they set out to Old Corona. Rapunzel was greeted by passers by and Cassandra was glared at ..as normal.

They soon made it to Quirins house.

Doosh doosh doosh

Rapunzel knocked on the door

It was quickly opened by the humble village leader

"Good morning your highness, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes actually! Do you mind if we could come in please?"

"Thats no problem!"

Quirin opened the door more letting in the two women. He led them to a table with 4 chairs.

"Please,take a seat"

The three sat down

"So what do you need my help with?"

Quirin smiled

"Well...its Varian "

Cassandra spoke up

(Now to make this clear:

Quirins happy expression fell and he gave a sigh.

"The other day he was seen running out of the village. Do you know anything about that?"

"No..I tried to ask him but he just pushed me away"

Cassandra nodded understanding.

"How long has he been acting this way?"

"Well he was a little distant after I was freed of the amber but nothing drastic. Hes been this bad since whatever has happened in town"

"Have you had the chance to talk to him?"

"Well..yes but he pushed me away very quickly."

"If I may ask. What did he say?"

"Well. He was crying for a long time. A real long time but when he finally spoke he just told me to go away"

"Is that all?"

" he was reading a latin book about the moonstone"

Cassandra looked stunned. She got flashbacks of when zhan tiri had given her a book called Praemetuens magicae when she was through the door in the house of yesterdays tommorow.

"What was the book called"

Cassandra sternly said

"Something like.. pra men i tus magic ay?"

She then got flash backs of when varian lashed out at her in the library.

She didnt realise it before but his eyes flashed white



She quickly stood up and ran to varians room

"Cass! This is someone elses house!!"

(Ok now its going to be


Cass got close to the door to hear Varian crying


"Cass..please go"

"No. I think I know whats wrong"

He gulped.

Oh no oh god no.

He was going to be punished. People knew. oh god no.

"Varian. Please let me in."


She could hear him walking around his room.

His heart had started to speed

Oh god

Oh no

Dum dum dum

He didnt want to hurt her. He really didnt.

"Leave me alone"


She continued to speak but he couldnt hear her over the screaming in his head and his heart beat.


He started gasping for air

"Varian?? Are you ok??"

"No no no no no no"

"Varian its ok please calm down"


"Im coming in there"

She started fiddling with the lock

Damn why does this kid need to be so smart? She thought to herself.

She finally got in to see varian sat in the corner of the room hyper ventilating and sweating hard.



"Your not well. Please let me help you."

"I-Im just a little under the weather th-thats all just go"

"Varian. You cant lie to me."

She went to touch his burning hand


"Are you..afraid?"

She had pushed his buttons. He kicked her hard in the stomach.


She left the room grabbing her stomach and closing the door.

(Now we back to normal text ok?)

"Oh my god..I..I just hurt her.."

Demon's Alchemy (Tangled The Series) !Cassarian!✔completed✔Where stories live. Discover now