What are You Waiting For?

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"Lance please! I might be able to get through to him"

"Do I need to knock you out?"


"Will you both shut up?"
Kiera spoke up turning to face them

"They'll hear us.."
Catalina whispered


Back in the throne room Varian lazily dodged all the guards. He was honestly just bored at this point.

Nigel commanded the guards. There was no one left alive with a higher title than royal adviser, oh how sad.

Another guard threw a sword towards him, another time varian threw it back. Difference being he actually hit his target.

"We have a just king hm? And he protects the kingdom with"

He caught an arrow and it immediately went up in flames.

"These guards"

He shot a rock straight through the soldiers armour and through his gut.

"Died just like your captain"
He smirked.

This was just so easy.

If he had known the family and guards were sso easy to take down he would of done it sooner.

Much sooner.

He had always had these thoughts in the back of his head. He just never took action because he didn't want to be killed, but now he had so much power, more power than alchemy. It was possible, and it was happening.


"Would you shut up an die quietly?"
The boy complained


"What now set?"
Varian rolled his eyes as he continued to throw back swords daggers axes hammers and arrows without effort.

"You said you would tell me what you would do next!"

"Set to be honest, I didnt even know what I was doing next."

"So you weren't planning on killing the king?"

"Ive been planning that for years"

He said throwing a dagger into the last guards eye

(Ok-but imagine that tho-badassss)

Set almost whispered in amazement and awe

"Hey set, could you do me a favour?"


"Would you go and find my Cassie? I bet she would love this"


"Well yea"

"O-of course"
Set muttered looking to the ground.

Just as he turned to the doorway,he felt a stabbing pain in his back.

It was a lunasite dagger, a dagger made from a special black glass that can destroy demons.


sets mouth started to drip with blood,he turned to see varians face. The demon thought he himself had screamed from pain, but it was Varian.

Behind varian set could see a tall man with black long hair and a fur coat. His eyes were a bright green and he had a fierce look on his face.

Set could feel himself collapse as he struggled for breath.

Varian ran to him and caught him.

"No no no no"

Varian turned around to see the tall man run to the door.



lance loosened his grip on cass as his eyes and jaw dropped wide.

They heard varian scream.

She took her chance, and ran.

Faster than she had ever ran before.

Varian was hurt.

And it was her fault.


She could hear lance running behind her,but she was faster.

She didnt pay attention to his pleas for her to come back.

She just ran faster.

Some say stubbornness is a bad thing, and honestly. In this situation, cass wasn't sure.

"Its all your fault its all your fault its all your fault its all your fault "

The voices kept ringing in her head. Her friends, innocent peoples and varians young and once innocent voice rang in her head.

She came to a sudden stop when she bumped into a man in the doorway


He pointed to where varian was.

In his arms she could see a boy about his age with black hair and a green coat, similar to varians. He had a dagger sticking out of him.

"We-we need to help him!!"

"Its a demon"

Lance and the girls finally caught up

Lance questioned looking at the scene.

All he and the girls could see was varian clinging onto air and crying.

"You cant see him?"
Cass turned to lance, and he shook his head.

"Only ones who have been under the influence, or have been controlled maybe even possesed by a demon can see them."

"See what?"
Lance spoke again

Hector replied as if it was normal

"Only these weapons can destroy them."

Cass looked down at Hectors hands to see a bow and some arrows with black tips and a spear with a black tip.

"And my daggers being used"
He referenced behind him to varian and his friend.

"We need to take this hellspawn down"


"C'mon lady in waiting, what are you waiting for?"

Demon's Alchemy (Tangled The Series) !Cassarian!✔completed✔Where stories live. Discover now