I'll Make You Pay

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Varian groaned as his eyes opened a bit after the world had gone dark.

His whole head throbbed with pain.

He glanced around the gloomy dark setting in confusion.

What had happened?

Where was he?

Then he remembered Cass's rejection, the deaths, the pain.

Varian sat up violently and tried to get up from the dungeon cot just to realize cold metal chains held him down.

"Damn it Cassandra!! Why don't you trust me?!", he yelled out in frustration remembering.

They wrapped around his fists and hands, like how Queen Elsa has been imprisoned with.

He stopped and inspected them for a moment.

Varian smirked.

Was this really what they came up with to keep him down?

How pathetic exactly where these people??

Varian tried to grow the black rocks to split open the chains.

But nothing happened.

He tried again and again, getting angrier after every failed attempt.

"Why isn't... dammit!!!", Varian screamed out punching the brick wall, "What the hell is this?!"

"There specially made just for you, monsters, just like you Varian.", a cold voice answered.

Varian whipped around and saw Rapunzel standing there, her eyes dark, cold and lifeless.

"You think you can keep me here you bitch?!?", he screamed at her as his trapped energy bubbled inside him, "I'm the embodiment of the moondrop!!"

"No.", she stared at him, "You're a beast. A curse."

Varian pulled against the chains and tried to grow more rocks again.

As he did there only was a stabbing pain in his heart as he tried.

Varian doubled over in pain.

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!", Varian screamed holding his chained hands over his heart.

Rapunzel watched him struggle with no emotion.

"This is what happens to monsters Varian. This is what those chains do to your missing soul."

Varian looked up at her his face covered in sweat from the excruciating pain.

He glared at her.

"I'm not a monster.", he growled as he tried once more to grow a rock.

More blinding pain filled his chest, squeezing and dragging like a knife through his skin.

"EaaahhhhhhHHHHHGH!!!", he almost blacked out from the intensity of it.

Varian clawed his way upright, using the bars for support as he glared at the unchanging princess.

"What... what is t-this?", Varian demanded banging the chain against the door.

"Chains for a monster."


Rapunzel didn't flinch.

She didn't even blink.

It was almost as if she was dead.

"Only a monster... only a monster would of killed Eugene that way. Only a monster would of  tricked me, deceived me into thinking they were to be trusted.", Rapunzel said softly, her voice have a creepy edge, "And you, Varian, are a monster."

Demon's Alchemy (Tangled The Series) !Cassarian!✔completed✔Where stories live. Discover now