The Blood on Her Hands...

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Cass's breath caught.

A demon?!?

Cass turned and looked at Varian who was holding onto the strange demon boy.

It clicked in her mind.

Of course-

He was the reason Varian had gone insane.

That demon...

She clenched her teeth and fists.

If nothing else, she wouldn't let Varian become what she had or let it continue. Zhan Tiri has destroyed her life; she couldn't bear the thought of Varian living that life.

"So, What will it be lady-in-waiting?", Hector asked impatiently.

"Cassandra...", Catalina tried as Cass squared her shoulders.

Cass drew her sword, "I'm in. I'm not letting that demon poison Varian's mind."

Hector nodded, "That won't work though or do you much good.", he handed her the bow and quiver of arrows.

She watched as the rocks flowed dangerously, reacting to Varian's pain.

"Think you've got what it takes? These are all we've got left to destroy that damned demon."

"I'm the best shot in Corona and the seven kingdoms.", Cass said gravely examining the weapons, "Just give me a clear shot and he's gone."

Lance glanced between them, "So what can I do?"

"Protect Catalina and Kiera, get them out of the remains of the castle.", Cass ordered as she ran into the heat of the rocks.

Meanwhile in the heart of the storm of raging rocks, Varian was trying to desperately help Set stop from bleeding.

Angry tears streamed down his face.

Why didn't he see this coming?!?

He was in control and had unlimited power, he should've been able to deflect that dagger with a rock; something, anything to save Set from this.

Blood covered Set's body as the teen gasped for breath, his face pale and glitching.

Wait, glitching??

Varian stared into Set's face as it went a light green and reverted back to his tan skin.

"S-Set!! What's happening to you?!", Varian cried staring at the dagger in his gut, "W-What s-should I do?!"

Set took a ragged breath, "I-It's... f-fine...", he muttered wiping the blood off his mouth.

He then sat up roughly, but fell back down and Varian caught his head hastily.

"Don't move!! Are you trying to kill yourself?!?", Varian yelled scared.

"Rip... i-it.. out..", Set ordered as his face flashed green again, his hair going white too for a moment.

"I can't just-!"

"DO IT!!!", Set screamed.

Varian's eyes widened as his heart pounded out of control.

Wrapping his slim hands around the hilt, he closed his eyes and bit his lip as he pulled it out of Set.


Set screamed as he coughed more bright red blood.

Varian shook, "I-I'm s-so sorry!!! I just did what you told me..."

Varian becoming the caring gentle boy he used to be for a moment.

"It's, it's okay... thanks...", Set said half smiling at him as he gasped for more breath.

"Stop talking! You're only making yourself bleed even more!!"

"Heh, I'm a demon Varian. I'll heal, ... I think..."

Varian felt his head resonate as his words settled in.

He then looked at the bloodied dagger in his left hand and saw it was lunasite.

That was Demanitus's special stone he used to battle Zhan Tiri; Varian remembered.

That stuff was lethal for lower class demons-

"You're a demon...?", he whispered.

"Yeah, you're the only one who can see me, cept for those two over there...", Set said motioning his head.

Varian whipped around and saw Hector through the explosion of rippling rocks.

Varian stood up slowly, "If nothing else, that man is going to die.", he muttered his eyes glowing brighter.

He then thrust his arm, growing more rocks directed at the tall man.

Hate coursed through him.

He was the reason Set had had that dagger in him...

And he was going to pay. (THEY WILL PAY... XD)

Hector sighed and ran, slicing the rocks with the shadow blade.

Varian narrowed his eyes and yelled out in anger.

Looks like he was going to have to actually put effort into killing him.

Rolling his shoulders and clenching his jaw, he walked towards Hector slowly, the rocks growing with every step.

Rocks sprouted into Hector, slamming against his blade as he tried to fight against Varian.

"Not to bad Shortstack!", Hector yelled through gritted teeth as he sliced and deflected.

"Has you ever heard the saying, 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall'?", Varian retorted slamming a fistful of rocks into Hector's gut.

Varian watched as the man flew up and slammed into the ground, the rocks ripping into his clothes and scarring his arms.

"You'll die for this.", Varian said looming over him as he readied his hand.

"Ha, that's funny, cuz I was just the distraction, kid. Killing me ain't going to stop what's already done."

Varian felt his heart drop as his peripheral vision caught the blur.

"No!!", He screamed as he whipped around and could only watch as the arrow whizzed in the air.

The world seemed to put into slow motion.

He tried running toward Set but his body moved like he was stuck in glue.

Rocks glowed and pulsed, matching his heartbeat as debris particles floated in zero gravity.

The arrow... oh the arrow.

It sailed straight and true toward Set's chest as Set's own eyes widened from realization.

And then everything was real again.

Chaos reigned.

"SET!!!!!!", Varian screamed as the arrow implanted itself right into his body.

He fell down, unable to support himself from sitting up as before he had tried to rise to his knees.

Blood flowed from the wounds as he lay on the ground.

Varian couldn't take it.

Glancing at Hector from the corner of his eye as he ran to Set's side he promised silently he would kill him and his accomplice.

Give them the most painful torturous death possible.

He would make sure Hell would seem almost pleasant after what he would do to him.

But he had Set to look after... otherwise he'd be gone.

Kneeling down immediately, Varian pulled out some alchemy vials and serums as he stared at the arrow protruding from Set.

Working quickly, he tried to make an elixir to help stop the blood.

He couldn't lose Set-

Demon's Alchemy (Tangled The Series) !Cassarian!✔completed✔Where stories live. Discover now