Death's Hold on Us

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"Just... just hang on.", he muttered as he paced across the long halls.

Varian opened the scroll as he walked, his eyes running across the page.

Unlike the book, praemetuens magicae, the scroll was completely in Latin.

"Dammit... I don't have time for this!"

He could read Latin of course, but his knowledge wasn't enough to read fluently. At least not without several hours.

Which he didn't have-

Varian cursed more under his breath as he tried to will his brain to translate the words.

Varian ran a hand through his hair and opened up the protective case around Set, stepping inside and kneeling down next to him.

The teen was even paler in the face, but at least his bleeding had slowed.

"H-hey...", Set half smiled.

Varian felt more guilt.

"Stop talking. Please.", he felt himself almost breaking down seeing him like that, "Your breath is limited- it's best to save it."

He had to try to distance himself.

Getting emotional wasn't going to help him focus.

"V-Varian I..."

"NO! Just be quiet!"

Varian scribbled down some quick notes on a piece of paper from the scroll and pulled out his chemicals.

"I can't... I can't get myself thinking about your condition. I need to f-focus.", Varian explained already feeling bad about his rudeness, "I can help you better if I just focus on making the cure."

Varian mixed the required elements together quickly, hues of purple, blue and soft yellow swirling in the serum.

Shaking it, he examined the final product nervously.

This could save Set or end his life.

It was imperative he had this perfect to the last drop.

"Looks great.", Set commented staring at the chemicals.

Varian shook his head, "I don't know if it's done right though... and if it's not...", he trailed off.

"S-Stop worrying so much."

"This could go from your life to your death! I don't want to kill you!"

He pulled his gloves, fidgeting as he tried to figure everything out.

Set sighed, "We won't k-know if you don't let me try it."

Varian shook his head harder and stared at the scroll.

The Latin words seemed to almost taunt him.


Was that orange or yellow in Latin?

Varian couldn't remember as he held up the vial to the light.

Each color must be precise.

This was a life he was trying to save.

Suddenly images of Rapunzel, Eugene, Arianna and Frederick filled his mind.

Their gruesome and bloody deaths.

Sweat dropped down his face as he clenched his teeth.

Why was he thinking about that right now?!

"DAMN IT!!!", he yelled out grabbing his coat and squeezing it tightly, "Why can't I seem to do anything...?!"

Set looked up at him alarmed.

"Hey you're doing fine Varian. It's going to be alright."

Varian wanted to scream.

He wanted to weep.

Only death filled his mind-

He had destroyed so many lives, taken their last breath. What made him think he could save a life, stop a death, with the very hands that stained the earth with blood?

What was different about now?

Varian shook, this time uncontrollably.


"Huh??", he looked up his eyes glazed with tears.

He didn't even realize Set had been yelling his name for the past few minutes until Set had gotten up and shaken him.

Set stared into his bright eyes, "Hey, it's fine!! Snap out of it!"

"N-no... no i-it's not.."

"Varian, look at me."

Set took his cheek and made Varian meet his eyes, "You're doing fine, I'm sure you made the antidote correctly."

Varian glanced at his lap which his hands were wrapped around the vial.

"And what if it isn't??! I can't even remember what some of the words translate to! I could be giving you poison for all I know!!", Varian exploded.

He then opened his palm, seeing the stain of blood splattered on them, "I've killed so many... so... m-many..."

Set's eyes widened.


"I still planning on killing Hector though, mark my words." he said with venom, "And anyone else who gets in my way."

Set felt his heart drop. He had seen Varian again for a moment.

The true Varian, who felt guilt and had a conscience. But just as quickly as he had come he had gone.

Varian stared at the small vial, "I'm just concerned if I'm capable of saving a life."

"I know you are."

"I've taken more then I've saved. I almost killed my father when he was encased.", he reminded.

Set took the serum from Varian's hand gently, "I trust you with my life Varian. I know you're capable of anything you set your mind to."

He then did a small smile, "So stop stressing out so much and remember to remember the things you love. The people you love."

Varian stared at him.

"That colors... they aren't right... at least I don't think they are...", he said.

Set smirked and downed the chemicals in one gulp.

Varian paled.


He was cut short as Set grabbed his shirt and cloak and pulled him into him.

Their lips met.

Set kissed Varian gently yet firmly, his eyes squeezed shut tight.

Varian's heart beat raced as he tried to figure out what was happening as he stared into Set's red blushing face.

Warmth enveloped his face as he heard Set's heartbeat race along with his own.

And as soon as it came-

It broke.

Pushing him away, Set looked away ashamedly as he pushed Varian over and away from him.



Varian blinked at Set in complete loss.



Set's emerald eyes seemed to be on fire, "JUST GET OUT- FIND HER. FIND CASSANDRA."

Varian swallowed, "But your wounds..."

"Just go!!"

He then dropped back down, his face turned away from Varian, "I'll be fine. Just... just find Cass."

Varian want sure how to react.

So he listened to Set.

He turned and left.

Demon's Alchemy (Tangled The Series) !Cassarian!✔completed✔Where stories live. Discover now