- ˏˋ Short Chapter ˊˎ-

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˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ Song:More than Words-Little Mix

'What Is A Marauders Map?'Evelyn asked still reading

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'What Is A Marauders Map?'Evelyn asked still reading

'I have no idea'I said looking through the paper which was full of drawings that made no sense at all.

You could see stairs and little headers with a fancy font with the word 'Name' in it.

After seeing with amusement yet not getting anything from the old piece of paper we turned it to see if we could find any hint or anything at all.

'Wait what's this?'I said and we both started reading the small conversation written there..

'Wait what's this?'I said and we both started reading the small conversation written there

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'Wait moony is a girl?'I asked shocked

'Either that or Voldemort'Evelyn Said and Neville who had just come by froze.

'Sorry Neville dark humor, you know..We All have that'Evelyn said smiling and hiding the letter from Neville who smiled awkwardly and made a quick walk to the stairs.

'Oh my god Neville wait a minute'I said noticing the broken statue laying there still.

'We kinda need your wand to fix all this'I said pointing the statue.

'Sure'Neville said getting his wand

'Well We dont want to meet madam Pomfrey today so let me do it'Evelyn said and Neville handed her his wand kind of sad.

'Thats cold Potter'I said and Evelyn sighed

'Truth hurts Gravel'


After fixing the statue and being done with our detention we headed to the great hall where we could find all of our friends gathered together.

'Look if I'm pushing you away it means I want you to move away not to push me back okay dear?'I started explaining to a second year student while trying to see what everyone was so curious about,while the girl stared and then ran away.

'Kids'I said sighing and Evelyn on the other side was now there reading the Daily Prophet.

'Kids'I said sighing and Evelyn on the other side was now there reading the Daily Prophet

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'Would you hear that?'Seamus said worried 'Sirius Black Has been seen in Hogsmade'

'The man is fast as hell'I said impressed and Harry gave me a death glare.

'I mean-

'Isn't it fascinating tho?'Evelyn added


That day everyone was worried and scared while some hadn't even the smallest idea of what was happening.

As we were told,no one could be safer than they already are in Hogwarts but almost everyone knew that that wasn't true.

Evelyn and I tried to be there for Harry alongside with Ron And Hermione.

When little,The night of Halloween 1981 when the Potter family was attacked by the Dark Lord Voldemort Who tried to kill the only child that was there (while Evelyn as Hagrid told us,was sent to a great friend of the family).Harry however had escaped the death curse making it a history but from that getting one of the most dangerous Azkaban prisoners following him to finish the job his lord couldn't do...so Sirius Black revenge if we can call it that

The worst part was that they both had to find out all this by eavesdropping and hearing a conversation between the only people who knew the truth...but was it the truth?

Did Sirius Black,the best mate of James Potter The Godfather of their children betrayed the family like that?


Evelyn was now walking slowly towards Harry who was sitting next to a tree in the grass which was full of snow.

'Hey'She said sitting next to him while I ,Hermione and Ron were standing a little further.

'Hey sis really not in the mood right now'Harry said without facing Evelyn's gaze

'Yeah i noticed it... Harry whats wrong?'She asked even tho she knew the answer

'I just... i think about them you know.. a lot and Black was supposed to be their friend i mean could u ever do that to Estella?'Harry said still without the courage to look at Evelyn when talking about this topic

'...I think about them a lot too'Evelyn finally said looking down and Harry now immediately turned to see his sister with curiosity because she never talks about their parents.

'And the funny thing is that we didnt even get to know them'He said trying to give a small laugh but You could easily see that he felt like he was stabbed in his heart.

'And...i dont like to think about them Harry cuz... i hate the thoughts i have. I WISH i had happy thoughts but all i see in my dreams are my hands with their blood...like i-i d-did it.'She said tearing up which was kind of weird because even tho I knew she was emotional,she never cried in front of her brother before

'Why didnt u ever tell me that.'

'Because believe it or not you are the only family i have and i want to protect u with all cost.'She said wiping her tears with her hoodies sleeves.

Harry then got up forcing Evelyn to do the same and then hugging her tightly.

'Promise me this whatever thought you have tell me ok?'He finally said

'okay'She said smiling softly

Then they do the special pinky swear that was a tradition since their childhood.



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