Chapter 1

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Note - Italics are the character's thoughts or dreams.

-Natasha's POV-
I'm running. From what? I don't know. But I don't stop, I know I can't. I come to a wall i'm trapped. I search for an escape. I turn around and blinding lights blur my vision. Then I hear the voices, the ones I remeber all to well, they surround me. Consume me. I scream.
I wake up in a cold sweat. I pull my hands to my face. I try to. I feel a sharp pain shoot up my arm. I realize my right wrist is tightly secured to the bed post by the familiar pair of handcuffs trapping my wrist. My hands are shaking I can't control it. I search in the dark for the key. I feel around the nightstand for it. For a second my fingers grip it, then it slips out from my grasp. I hear the metal bounce against the floor. I run my free hand around the floor. I wince as my captive arm is twisted. I give up and fall on to my bed. I begin to cry. I haven't felt the warm salty water roll down my cheeks in a very long time. But I let myself explode anyways.
-Steve's POV-
I wake up yawning. I turn over to my nightstand and pick up the pocket watch on it. I open it and see Peggy. I can't help but smile at the most loving face staring back at me. I look down and the time. 4:37 am. I feel energized and quite frankly happy. I decide to head to the training room. I stand up and change into a pair of shorts and a hoodie. I pace out of my room. As I make my way down the hallway towards the elevator, I hear soft whimpers coming from Natasha's room. I hesitate. I walk up to her door. I knock lightly three times. No answer. Maybe she didn't hear me. I knock again this time louder. Still no answer.
"Nat are you ok?" I question. There's no answer. I just hear strenuous crying. I gather up the courage. I open the door.
-Natasha's POV-
I hear knocking on my door. I ignore it. The knocking comes again but louder. I hear a voice. Steve. I look above my head and see blood trickling down my forearm, gliding over the scars that paint my wrist like a brush to a canvas. Then I see the door knob turn. I brace myself. I see Steve's bright blue eyes fill the dark void of my room. I get nervous and turn my head away from him. His eyes search the tramatic scence on my bed. They dart from the handcuffs, to the blood streaking down my arm. To my red and puffy eyes. He comes over to me and sees the key on the ground. He immediently picks up the key and releases me. I flinch at his touch. He realizes this. Instead of backing away. He pulls me into a long deep hug. The blood from the cut on my wrist, soaks into his sweatshirt. I squirm and try to leave his warm embrace. He doesn't let me go. He sits on my bed and holds me. I let him. My breath slows and I feel myself melt into him. He pulls my head to his chest and a small puddle forms on his hoodie. I cry, I try to but I can't stop.
"It's ok," He whispers in my ear. "It's alright I got you. Your safe," He continues. Those words ring over and over again in my mind. I know they aren't true. I will never be safe. Not from the faces of my past. And not from myself.

-Narrator's POV-
Steve holds Natasha for the rest of the night he continues reapeating those same words over and over again. Hoping she will be convinced of them. Steve feels the final tear drop to his chest. Her breathing slows, and she falls asleep.

Thank so much for reading!
This is my first ever book. So I apologize if my writing is terrible.
Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions to the story line please let me know.
I know this chapter is short they will be longer.
Sorry for any spelling errors!
I will try to update as soon as possible. Please comment.     -Your author, Ellie.

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