Chapter 24

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Translations at the bottom...

-Natasha's POV-
When my vision begins to revive when I'm awoken with a harsh slap to my face. Infact the slap was so hard, I lean my head to the side to spit up blood. I'm fast to come to my senses after that. I first take in the fact that I'm tied to a chair. Though it's nothing I couldn't slip out of. I look over to my left and Steve, James, Yelena, Lila and Wanda are all handcuffed to metal bar. Steve and James' handcuffs are thicker. In front of me stands the one and only Ivan Petrovich. Beside him stands another man. His face is hidden under the sahdows from the corner of the room. It's not until he creeps from the shadows can I indentify him.
"You son of a Bitch. You people just can't stay dead can you?" I yell. Shaking the chair I'm tied to violently. I glance from the man to Yelena. 'Lena just shakes her head and grins. It's not unlike her to hide behind sarcasm. Similar to how I wear my own mask.

"Now now my spider is that any way to treat your husband?"
I scoff at that audibly.
"Husbands don't fake their deaths and then tie their wives to a chair,"

"Hush my Natalia. No one likes a loud women," Alexi steps towards me and caresses my chin. I spit on his face and he yells a Russian curse and steps away.

-Steve's POV-
Husband. This was him. The man I read about in Natasha's file. I look to Yelena who looked surprised to see him also. I watch as Lila and Wanda both wake slowly. Wanda has a metal collar around her neck. I could only guess it was to prevent her from using her powers. The cuffs around my wrists are tight and strong. Too strong for me to break. Though I still struggle against them. I watch every move Natasha makes as she studies the men infront of her.

To my right Bucky lays still knocked out. Though he wasn't very lucid to begin with.
Natasha continues to struggle against her binds. The man now identified as Ivan pulls a knife to her throat. She doesn't flich when he pushes it into neck harder.

"Stop don't touch her!" I yell across the room as I continue to thrash against the cuffs.

"кукла, why does this man fight for you? Surely he knows of the things you have done. Why would anyone fight for a monster," Alexi speaks huskily. I watch him move towards me and crouch down infront of me.

"Mr. America why do you fight?" He asks me.

"You don't know her. If you did then you would know why," I reply calmly.

"Hmm," Alexi shrugs.

"So where should we start? How about you?" Alexi gets up and twirls a knife in his hand, similar to Ivan's; who had now left Natasha alone and is leaning against a desk.
Alexi walks over to Lila and Wanda.

"If you hurt them I swear to god Alexi I'll cut of your fucking head," Natasha yells. Her voice beginning to shake.

"They can wait for now. I'll make all of their deaths fast. But you my паук. Your death will be slow," He says to Natasha. Ivan walks over and hispers something into a guard's ear. The guard exits the room quickly.

-Natasha's POV-
I watch Lila carefully she seems ok, except for the few tears that stream down her cheeks. Wanda looks scared. I would be too if my only source of power was taken away.
Alexi paces back and forth. He stops when he hears James groan.

"Ahh солдат your awake good. Now Natalia before we get started. Why did you choose him over me?" Alexi points his knife to James.

"Aww are your feelings hurt? Poor 'Lexi. Maybe you just have some unappealing qualites," I laugh at him.

"Maybe he was just a better fuck," Yelena laughs from the side.

"Oh ya that too," I laugh along. Alexi throws his knife and it tears skin off the top of Yelena's ear.

A few seconds later, the large doors open and a group of fifteen girls walk in. Ivan walks up behind me and cuts off all of the restraints. I stand quickly. I turn to the girls. They all get into a fighting stance.

"Ah shit," I whisper under my breath.

Alexia and Ivan stand oppisite Steve and the others. Ivan looks to the oldest girl in the group, who couldn't be older than 17, and nods. She is the first to come charging at me. I flip her onto her back and land a kick to her stomach. I'm able to hold off two more girls before the rest join. I make sure none of the girls are severly injured. I know this isn't their choice. I knock one more down before I am thrown to the ground.

I hear Steve yell after me as I fall. One, Two, Three kicks to my side, I count. I'm pinned the rest pile on. I knock one girl out with a kick to her jaw. Then another two. Unable to defend myself any longer; punches land all over.

Before long the hits stop. I lie there bloody. The girls who are concious return to the side. I hear Yelena yell my name and Steve yell a string of empty threats at Ivan. But I just can't get up. I try to move. But I'm sure I have atleast 6 broken ribs and many more injureys.

My eyes begin to shut. But I find enough will power to push myself on to my elbows then onto my knees. One foot then the next, until I'm fully standing. I put my fists up.

"I can do this all day," I say as I spit out blood onto the floor. I look to Steve who is as pale as a ghost. He smiles like the dork he is at the line.

"What the hell. Finish her," Ivan yells to the Widows in training. They all run to me. I take one down. Then that turns to five. Soon I'm surrounded by their bodies lying unconscious. I grab a guard and pull his gun from its holster, I shoot a round into his shoulder.

"That was fun. I think we will be going now," I aim the gun between Alexi and Ivan.

"You don't have the guts Natalia. I'm your husband. So do it shoot-" I shoot straight between his eyes. I watch as he falls limp to the ground.

"You were saying?" I quip. Meanwhile Ivan laughs like a child.

"I knew it. Natalia you are still a cooled blooded killer. Just as I taught you," Ivan projects to the room. I keep my gun aimed at him as I grab a set of keys off Alexi's belt. I toss them to Steve who unlocks Yelena then James. Then eventually the rest of them. Steve helps everyone up.

"You are going to rot in hell Natalia. Right where you belong,"

"Then I guess I'll see you there," I feel the bullet spiral from the barrel and away from me all the way until it connects to Ivan's stomach. Then two more shots ring out as I shoot his kneecaps. Leaving him with all survivable wounds.

"But you deserve much worse," I drop the gun and collapse.

кукла - Doll
паук - Spider
солдат - solider

Thank you so much for reading!
Please let me know what you think.
Stay safe everyone!

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