Chapter 2 - 1st Period

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The bell rang twenty five minutes ago and I still haven't went to class. I'm just standing here in the stall. Maybe I should get over there. Ah. Detention. Definitely gonna get that. I removed my back from the wall and pulled my sleeves back down before hearing pounding on the door to the stall I was in.

"Craig i know you're in there. Tweek wanted me to check on you. He said you didn't go to class.". Kenny. Just great. "Why didn't he check on me himself?", I asked, monotone, opening the door and pushing past the boy I've called my closest friend for a while now, "I'm fine.". He's been my best friend since Clyde started the rumor that I had sex with one of our teachers, at least. That was half a year ago, though. Around the same time Tweekers broke up with me. When depression really started hitting me.

"You were smoking, weren't you?".

"None of your business, McCormick. I just didn't want to go to class.", I spat. He just shrugged, "Okay then if you insist.". Thank god, he was done. I left the bathroom and made my way towards my first period class. Algebra II. Gah.

I walked in, and was instantaneously shouted at. "Craig Tucker! You've been late to class every single day since the beginning of the year! Detention!", Mr. Garrison yelled, before adding accusingly, "You were jacking off in the bathroom weren't you?".

The whole class erupted in laughter. Except for Tweek and Kyle, who were sitting next to each other in the back.


A sound I've grown to hate. I delivered a flipping off to them and glared, making them all go silent, and slowly made my way to my seat in the back corner.

Mr. Garrison was gonna pay for saying that. I would do everything in my power to piss him off.

Cuz I'm an ass, ya know.

I flopped down heavily and put my feet up on my desk, taking my phone out. I received a glare but surprisingly he didn't yell again.

I just had a feeling that today was going to be a long day. Well. All i had to do was make it through today, though. I had some nice plans for tonight.

~>> Kenny's POV <<~

I was a bit curious as to what Craig had been doing, so I took a peek into the stall he had been in. My eyes widened. Was that... Blood? There were drops on the floor, a surprisingly large amount of them. He couldn't... There's no way.. No.. There is a way.. I'm an idiot how did I not realize that he's depressed!? Tweek was right!!

I took out my phone and hurriedly sent a text to a group chat I had made with the other people that cared about Craig, my hands starting to shake. Thank god Tweek wanted me to check on him.

~>> 3rd Person POV <<~

[Kenny, Tweek, Stan, Kyle, Butters, Clyde, Token]

Kenny: Guys I went to check on Craig. He was in the bathroom and he got out pretty quickly but I found blood in the stall he was in. I think he's cutting.

Tweek: ... OHhhhh no...

Kyle: Holy shit what--!?

Stan: Do you know anything else!? Did you two talk at all!? Did he say anything!??!

Kenny: No not really. I asked him what he was doing. He didn't say anything. I asked if he had been smoking and that Tweek wanted me to check on him. All he said in response was basically for me to fuck off and that he was curious as to why Tweek didn't go check on him himself.

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