Chapter 10

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A/N) Well. This story is nearing it's end. Only a couple more chapters I'm pretty sure, but that may change depending on how I format the rest of the story. I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far. Honestly, I'm surprised it's gotten as many reads as it has. I'm so grateful for those of you who are reading this, and I'm glad you've made it to this point. It means so much to me! So now. Buckle your seatbelt because we're reaching the climax.

~ emo_spaceboi_ 💀🖤

~>> Craig's POV <<~

I was still smiling a bit when I reached my house and unlocked the door, walking in. I raised an eyebrow when I entered. The place was more of a mess than usual. I had just closed the door when I heard my dad yell, "Pack your bags you faggot we're moving!! Now!!".

The smile left my face and I watched my dad stumble over to me, a look of drunken rage on his face, "W.. What!?". "I said we're moving!", he slammed me against the door and glared at me, "Now go pack your bags!". I just sputtered a bit for a moment in shock before saying, "We can't just up and leave like this! Me and Tricia have lives here! We can't just go!". He slammed me against the door again, earning a low growl of anger and pain from me, "You can't tell me what to do! I'm the father here and if I say we're moving you're gonna listen and do what I say without objections!".

Yeah.. I wasn't gonna do that.

"Dad this is fucking insane! I have friends here! I have a boyfriend and I have a life you can't just take that away from me because you're drunk and think it's a good idea to be a bastard to your children-", I was cut off when I felt something cold and hard make contact with my stomach. I doubled over in pain with a cough. If it had been any normal punch to the stomach I would have been able to take it without flinching. What just happened..? Wait..

"Dad... Why the fuck are you wearing brass knuckles...?", the anger returned to my voice as I recovered and I straightened back up. There would definitely be a bruise. "Just in case my fucking idiot of a son decides to be a fucking bitch!", he yelled, pulling his fist back to go to punch me again. I growled and steeled myself for it just in case, shoving him away, "I don't think I'm the one being a bitch! I think you are!". He slammed my head back against the door and I grabbed his wrist, going to crack it if necessary.

"Dad! Stop hurting Craig! Stop fighting please!". My eyes widened and i looked over to see Tricia standing there. "T-tricia go to your r-", I began before my dad stepped back from me and began to stalk towards my little sister, slurring angrily, "Don't tell me what to do you little brat!". "Don't fucking touch her!", I roared, leaping at him and tackling him to the ground. Before i knew what i was doing I had delivered one of my jaw-cracking punches to my father's face, "YOU AREN'T MAKING US MOVE LIKE THIS, AND YOU AREN'T GONNA FUCKING HURT TRICIA DO YOU HEAR ME!? I CAN TAKE GETTING BEATEN BY YOU BUT IF YOU LAY ONE FINGER ON TRICIA I SWEAR TO GOD! I'M NOT LETTING YOU DO ANY OF THIS!!".

Tricia ran upstairs and locked herself in her room. Blood was splattered on my dad's face. He looked fucking pissed. He quickly pushed me off of him and kicked me in the stomach. I was mostly prepared for that and just staggered a bit. He was looking at me with such an intense hatred i almost laughed. I couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing at his expression. That just made him angrier.


Something inside me snapped.

Tears flooded my eyes and I gave him a crazy grin. My entire body was numb. "Okay dad. I've been waiting for the day where i actually get permission to finally end it all.", the tears spilled down my cheeks and my insane grin spread. He scoffed, "Yeah there we go! You just being your dramatic self.".

I shoved past him and went upstairs, locking myself in my room. Everything was blurry. I grabbed the vodka off my dresser and chugged some of it, throwing the bottle at my wall and laughing when it shattered. I was crying and laughing at the same time. Then i was angry. I grabbed my baseball bat from by my bed and swung, breaking the mirror in my room and watching glass shards fall to the ground.

I pulled out my jacknife and pulled up my sleeves, slashing multiple deep cuts into my inner forearms and watching blood instantly begin to seap out of the wounds. I wasn't being careful like I usually was.

Not bothering to pull my sleeves back down, I went and pulled a folder out of my closet and took out the contents, dumping them on my bed. They were suicide notes to my friends. Now i needed them. Then I took out my phone and sent a simple text to all of my friends at once. After I sent the text I disabled my phone and tossed it across my room, going to my closet and taking out some rope.

A/N) This is going to have a happy ending I promise! 😅

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