Chapter 9 - 7th Period; Tweek

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~>> Craig's POV <<~

     I was standing where Tweek and I were supposed to meet, leaning against the wall. He was nowhere to be found. I laughed a bit. What if he didn't even show?

A while later I heard a familiar patter of feet and looked up to see him running towards me, "C-craig!". He was slow. I had forgotten about how short he was. It almost made me smile.

God.. He was so beautiful. I was still madly in love with him. I can't deny it.

"So..", I hummed as he came to a stop in front of me, "What do you want to talk about?".

~>> Tweek's POV <<~

I was running as fast as i could. God what if he wasn't there when I got there!? Oh jesus! I finally got where we were supposed to meet and looked over to see him leaning against the wall.

Craig... My Craig...

I ran over to him and caught my breath, "C-craig!". I looked up at him and my heart fluttered. He's so handsome.. I love him so much.. I just want to kiss him and feel his arms around me again. I need to fix things.

"So..", he hummed, looking down at me, "What do you want to talk about?". I felt anxiety and regret fill my chest and said, fighting off tears, "I- I'm sorry..". He looked a bit confused, "For...?".

"Craig..", I looked at him with pain in my eyes, "I-i lied about why I was breaking up with you and the t-truth is I never wanted to break up with you.. I-I- GAH- still- l-love you..", I stumbled over my words and buffered for a bit. Stupid stutter. "I'm so sorry f-for hurting you..". His eyebrows stitched together a bit and he asked, "So.. Why did you break up with me then..?".

I wasn't sure if he believed me or not, but I was telling the truth. "My parents... I don't know.. I think they wanted me to date someone else.. I-i don't know why... B-but they told me to break up with you. I said that there was no- GAH- way I was gonna break up with you.. But then they said they wouldn't ever let me see you again if I didn't break up with you. I-i didn't want you fighting them and I figured it wouldn't hurt as bad if I lied about it but I was wrong! I-i feel horrible about the way I made you feel! I-i-i-" I stumbled over my words again, "I wanna m-make it right again. I-i still love you so much Craig!!", tears were streaming down my face and I looked down, not wanting to face him. He probably thought I was weak.

I heard the shuffle of feet and soon felt his hand on my chin, gently lifting my face to look up at him. "Tweek.. Don't stress yourself out about it. It's okay. Yeah it hurt because you gave me such a bland reason back then but now I understand. Now.. If you're saying you want to get back together with me- why? Aren't you gonna be in trouble if you do?", he chuckled a bit.

I looked at him with confidence, crossing my arms after wiping away my tears, "I-i don't care if they're mad. I don't see how they could keep me from seeing you.". A small smirk played on his lips, "You haven't changed, Tweekers..".

His hand was still on my chin. I wanted to lean up and kiss him.

"S-so... C-can we...?", I began. I was cut off when he leaned in and gently pressed his rough lips against mine. My eyes flooded with happy tears and I kissed back, tightly hugging him.

Soon he drew back and looked down at me, "You're lucky I trust you.". I just smiled weakly, tears streaming down my cheeks. I leapt up and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Shortie..".

He slid down against the wall and I just stayed cuddled to him. "So.. Craig... Do you wanna talk..?", I asked, my face buried against his chest. "Mm.. How much more do you want to know?", he asked, holding me against him.

"How much m-more h-h-haven't you told?", I asked, honestly scared got the answer.

I heard him sigh, "Well.. Really I've told everything I've been hiding today.. I guess I'm just- scared. To go home. I hate being around my dad.. Honestly I've been trying to get my mom to move out and take me and Tricia with her to my grandparents' house for forever but she hasn't done anything. She just tells me to suck it up. That's what I've been doing. I'm tired of this.".

"You can move in with me?", I said. "Your parents.", he replied. "Oh.. Yeah..", I sighed, "Well.. You could spend all your time at Clyde's? you guys are neighbors.".

"Yeah.. You're right. And I'm sure his dad wouldn't mind.. I'll think about it.", Craig hummed. "I wish I could change your dad, Craig..", I sighed, "Y-you deserve better parents..".

I felt him shrug, "Ah well. I can't change it. I can stick through it. Don't worry, Tweekers. I've gotten this far, plus. You guys have helped me..", he smiled weakly.

I sighed and just nuzzled him, "I-i'm sorry for lying to you back then..". "Hey.. I told you it's alright.", Craig said. We just cuddled for a bit before I said, "I love you.. Craig... I love you so much.". Craig just sat there for a moment before saying, "I love you more, Tweekers.".

I heard the bell ring. "School's over.", Craig hummed, "Want me to walk you home?". I nodded, "You can come in if you want.". He shook his head, "Nah. I don't feel like dealing with your parents today.". I felt bad for even bringing it up and stood up, "R-right.. Sorry..".

He shook his head and stood up. We laced our fingers together and I sighed happily. I missed this. We began to walk, our bodies close together, my hand in his.

"W-wait! Don't you have detention?", I asked, looking at him when we had left the school grounds. "Yeah. Don't wanna go.", he said, not showing any concern for it. Heh. That was Craig.

We walked in silence, occasionally saying loving things and talking about how much we missed being together, when my house came into view. "Well.. Bye Craig.. I'm glad we were able to help you. I-if anything happens.. Text me or call me.. P-please.. I want to help if I can.", I said, turning to face him.

He gave me a small smile, "Alright Tweekers.. Thank you. I love you..", he pulled me close and kissed me before pulling away, "So.. How do you think your parents are going to react?". I shrugged and chuckled, "Probably do something stupid like prevent me from working in the coffee shop. I could care less.". He chuckled a bit and said, "Alright then. See you tomorrow at school, babe.".

I smiled and waved, walking up my sidewalk and entering my house, "I-i love you craig!". I felt so happy. I missed Craig so much and I feel like I finally fixed things with him.

~>> Craig's POV <<~

     I smiled to myself and walked in the direction of my house. Today, well.. Today went better than i thought it was going to. Yeah, it was a long day. Embarrassing and full of shit I didn't want to talk about but... I feel needed now, and I have to admit that it's a nice feeling.

Maybe I will stay alive. Not for my parents, but for my friends, Tweek, and Tricia.

I was still smiling a bit when I reached my house and unlocked the door, walking in. I raised an eyebrow when I entered. The place was more of a mess than usual. I had just closed the door when I heard my dad yell, "Pack your bags you faggot we're moving!! Now!!".

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