Chapter 7 - 5th Period; Kyle

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~>> Kyle's POV <<~

  I saw Craig walking down the hallway. Suddenly, a brilliant plan formulated in my head. This would be my first time ever skipping class.

I ran up behind him and tugged on the back of his hoodie, "Craig! Let's skip class!". He turned to look at me, "Oh so now it's your turn?". He sounded tired. I sighed and said, "Yeah. Please Craig.". "If it'll make you guys happy..", he sighed, allowing me to tug him to the bathroom by his wrist.

We got in there and went to a stall in the corner. We stood in there for a moment before I looked at his arm, "C.. Can I?". "Sure why not.", he grumbled in defeat. I pulled up his sleeves and almost puked at what I saw.

They.. They were really bad.

"Craig.. You do realize that I'm not an idiot right? Some of these cuts are fucking deep. These are-", my voice cracked and tears spilled down my cheeks, "Suicide attempts.. Aren't they, Craig?". His hands were shaking. I looked up at him and gasped to see him breaking down. My eyes widened and I instantly wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders. He sobbed, an intense pain in his voice, "I wanna die, Kyle! Why can't I just die already!?".

I started shaking, tears streaming down my cheeks. He kept sobbing, "I've been cutting but nothing's happening! I'm sick of being alive, Kyle! I'm sick of it!!". "Craig..", I whimpered, my voice just above a whisper, "Why...?".

"Because life fucking sucks!", there was a bit of anger in his voice along with the sadness, "Every night I go home to my shitty house only to get beaten by my father for being gay and I get in even more trouble when I fight back! I've had to fucking raise my little sister because my mother is never home and my dad's a drunken fuck! And it's not like being at school is any better! People hate me! I can't go a day without getting called homophobic slurs and of course I'm the one that gets in trouble for fighting and I'M the one that gets called a disgrace by our principal! My boyfriend broke up with me and I don't know why and now people are fucking interrogating me about my emotions and acting like they actually care! I'm just fucking sick of being alive! People would be so much better off without me! You're wasting your time right now, Kyle!!".

Something inside me snapped. I grabbed his arms and stared up at him. He was really tall and it was hard for me to do this. "Craig!", I yelled, sobbing, "We do fucking care about you! That's why we're doing this! Because we fucking care about you! Don't you realize how worried we are about you!? You're trying to kill yourself Craig! We won't just let you do that! We want to help you!!", I broke down again and released his arms. I hadn't been holding onto them that tightly anyway.

Craig just stared at me for a bit before muttering, "Why do you guys care...?". "Because we're your friends, Craig! You're important to us!". He wiped away his tears and looked at me, "Kyle..". "We wouldn't be better off without you! We'd be devastated.. Craig you're so important to us.. You're so important to me..", I sniffled, looking at him.

Craig pulled his sleeves down and rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry..". "Why are you sorry?", I asked. "I.. Just am...", he said, "You guys shouldn't be doing this.. You should be in class.".

"Craig.. The second Kenny told us the reason you're late to first period every day is because you're cutting in the bathroom.. We all realized we had to do this... Craig.. I wanna help you..", I said. "You are helping.", he replied before the bell rang. "Thanks Ky.", he said before leaving.

I just stood there. Well.. I really didn't accomplish much.

~>> 3rd Person POV <<~

Kyle: Guys. He wants to kill himself.

Tweek: No.. This can't be happening.

Kyle: Things are really bad for him at home. Kenny.

Kenny: What?

Kyle: Make him not want to kill himself.

Kenny: I'll try my hardest. God I'm terrified.

Stan: It'll be okay. If we do this right he'll be fine.

Clyde: But what if we aren't doing this right?

Butters: Plan B, I guess.

Token: Plan B?

Tweek: Never leave his side.

Kenny: Hopefully it doesn't get to that. I'll try my hardest, guys.

~>> Craig's POV <<~

Shit.. I never should have told Token anything this morning. They're all worried. They're making me start to change my mind. What if they actually do care about me? They mean the world to me..

God fucking dammit.

~>> Kenny's POV <<~

I'm shaking right now. If I do this wrong we could lose Craig. And Craig means way too much to me. I don't think I could live without Craig..

I need to do this right..

A/N) This was a shitty chapter, I'm sorry..

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