Chapter 6 - Lunch; Stan

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~>> Stan's POV <<~

  I was sitting behind the school, waiting, when I saw the guy I was waiting for. I felt a flicker. Not sure what my feelings for him are. Think I might have a bit of an crush on him or something. But that doesn't matter. Craig belongs to Tweek. Not me. I'm not interfering with that. I'm crushing on Kyle too though, now that I think about it.

"Hey Craig.", I said, scootching over to give him room. He walked over to me and settled down next to me. We sat in silence for a moment before I took out my pack of cigarettes. I offered him one but he shook his head and took out his own. He looked at it for a moment before mumbling, "Mm.. I told Token i'd try to stop. Meh. What's one gonna do.". I sighed and we lit up, inhaling and exhaling.

"So..", I said, "You should get some food, man.".

"Why? I don't see you eating anything. I'm not hungry anyway.".

"That's the thing. I never see you eat. You see me eat.", I mumbled, tilting my head back and blowing out smoke. I only smoked when Craig and I talked like this. "Does it really matter?", there was slight annoyance in his voice. "Dude don't get upset I'm sorry. I just want you to take care of yourself.", I said sadly, looking at him. "Why does it matter??", he snapped gruffly in his intimidating, low voice, staring ahead and exhaling smoke.

"You know i know.. Don't you Craig.". It came out as more of a statement than a question.

"Yeah. I'm aware.".

"Craig. You helped me when i was cutting. You helped me with my alcohol problem. I wanna help you.", I looked him in the eyes. He sighed and looked back at me. A small, sad smirk came onto his face, "Thanks, but.. I'm beyond saving.". I frowned and grabbed one of his wrists and yanked back his sleeve. He didn't really fight me. He was numb. I could tell. My eyes widened, "Holy fuck, Craig..". "Yeah yeah. Don't be so surprised.", he said as I did the same with his other arm. I ran my finger along the cuts and carved words.

"Dude. You realize none of these words are true, right?".

"Yeah they are.".

"No they aren't!", I snapped, losing my cool. I was almost as big as him, only a tiny bit shorter. He looked at me. He didn't look surprised.

"Okay. First of all. You aren't an asshole Craig.", I said seriously, "Yeah you're cold to people you don't know but you're so nice to people you're friends with! Token and Clyde, I've never once seen you yell at them. Butters and Kyle, you stand up for them to other people. You take their pain for them. You and Kenny are inseparable, you'd do anything for him! You stole money from your parents to help him pay for food for him and Karen! Back when you and Tweek were dating you treated him like fucking royalty! Hell, you had a span of time where you would fucking carry him to his classes! You made him feel so good, Craig! That doesn't sound like an asshole to me! And me.. You've been there for me in both my high and low moments alike. You pulled me back from suicide, Craig. You saved me. And now I wanna help you.".

One word down.

He looked at me steadily, "Stan. You can't help me.". "Well I'm gonna sure as hell fucking try, and I'm not done talking.". He blinked and exhaled his smoke. My intense concentration on what I was saying had my own cigarette smoldering in my hand, practically unused.

"You aren't a failure or a fuck-up. You have decent grades, you're the best player on our baseball team. Yeah, you get detention a lot, but that's because you either fought someone to stand up for someone, or were stewing over the shit you have going on at home and were late to class. And if you think you're a fuck-up because you're gay, that sure as hell is wrong. Your dad is wrong in this situation, Craig. I hope you know that.", I sighed a bit, feeling Craig's pain based on the look he had in his eyes at the moment.

"And you're definitely not unlovable. Tweek is still in love with you. But I'm gonna let him tell you the details himself. Token and Clyde love you. Kenny, Kyle, and Butters love you. I love you, Craig.", my voice cracked, "And I would be nothing without you. I just hope you know that.".

A shiver ran through him and he snuffed out his cigarette. There were tears in his eyes, "You just don't understand, Stan.". "Maybe I don't. Yeah, I'm not in the same situation as you. But I know what it's like to be depressed. And I wanna help you, Craig. Let me help..".

Craig just looked at me and a tear rolled down his cheek. He shook his head before pulling me into a hug. It was kind of difficult since we were sitting, but I hugged him back. "I don't know how you can possibly help.", he sighed, "But. Thanks. I actually felt needed for a while. It was nice.". "You are needed.", I said, "A lot of people need you.".

He drew back and looked at me, "Just- I'll get through this.. To the best of my ability.. And Stan, I-". The bell rang. He shook his head, standing up, "It doesn't matter.". "Craig wait no tell me!!", I said. He shook his head, "It was nothing important. I love you, man. Thanks.", and he was gone.

God dammit. Craig what were you gonna say!?

I sighed and did what had been going on every other period: take out my phone and text the group chat.

~>> 3rd Person POV <<~

Stan: I didn't really find anything out. But I think I helped him.

Tweek: What did you do?

Stan: Went into a rant about how we all cared about him and that he matters to all of us. And something at the end kind of concerns me.

Kenny: What?

Stan: It sounded like he was about to say something serious but the bell rang and he got up and left. I kept asking him what he was going to say but he kept saying it wasn't important.

Kyle: So what's my job?

Stan: Try to find out if he has any big thoughts about anything. Ask him what he's doing later tonight. Also, look into his cutting. They looked pretty bad. And make sure you keep stressing how important he is to us, I think being told that helps.

Kyle: Alright. I need to figure out a way to get him alone, though. We both have art next and as all of you know we're like- never allowed to leave the room.

Butters: See Stan you did help.

Token: Good luck Kyle.

Clyde: Yeah good luck. We're counting on you.

~>> Craig's POV <<~

  I sighed as I walked down the hallway. Now I knew what they were doing. Who would be next, Kenny, Kyle... Tweek?

I ran my fingers through my hair. I was about to tell Stan about my plans. Good thing i didn't have to. It would have been bad if they knew anyway.

I was thinking about this when I felt a tug on the back of my hoodie, making me turn around, "Craig! Let's skip class!".

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