Chapter 3 - 2nd Period; Token

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~>> Token's POV <<~

I made my way out of English to Biology. A class I had with Craig. How was I gonna do this? How would I start?

I got to the class and noticed Craig sitting in his usual place. The back corner. I went and sat next to him. He gave me a small smile, "Hey man.". "Yo.", I replied, returning the smile. I glanced over at the whiteboard. Our teacher wasn't here today so we had a free period.

I glanced back at Craig, "Hey.. Wanna go for a walk?". Craig shrugged and hummed, he looked tired, and he looked like he had been crying earlier. He was hiding it well. "Sure.. We have nothing better to do.".

I could feel Stan on the other end of the room watching us.

We stood and went out into the hallway, wandering aimlessly around the school. It was a while before I looked at Craig and spoke, he was a lot taller than me so I had to look up, "You okay, man?". Craig nodded, "Yea. Just tired.".

"That's what you say all the time.".

"Well yeah. I'm always tired. I don't sleep much.". There was an edge to his voice. He wasn't lying, but he was hiding something. "And why is that?", I inquiered. "You just aren't gonna let this go, are you?", Craig sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

I shook my head, "Nope. Talk to me man. Please. You don't need to keep quiet about your problems all the time. You listen to me when I have issues going on. It helps to get it out.".

Craig groaned in response and leaned against the lockers, "My dad's always mad at me. My parents are always fighting and my mom's never home. When she is she's mad at me 75% of the time. I always have to watch Tricia. I cook meals every night because my dad's too drunk to. Then there's sports, homework, and detention. I never get to sleep until like, 2 in the morning. Tricia has nightmares. So when I do get to sleep she wakes me up crying.", he shrugged, "So. That's why I'm always tired. Life is complicated. Mentally draining.".

I processed everything he said so I could send it to the group chat. I frowned, "Craig that's rough. Why are your parents mad at you?". Craig removed his back from the lockers and continued walking, "I dunno. I've said enough already.". He did know. But I didn't wanna pry and make him mad.

I sighed and followed after him, "Craig.. You realize you could ask us, meaning your other friends and I, for help, right?". Craig looked at me, "Look. I appreciate the offer, but I don't like asking for help. It makes me feel weak.".

I sighed again, "Okay man. Just.. Don't be afraid to open up, okay? I'm always willing to listen.". Craig gave me a small smile. It was genuine. I liked those. "Thanks, Token. I'll keep it in mind.".

"And Craig?".


"Please give up the cigarettes. Or at least tone down on them. Please. They aren't healthy.".

"I know they aren't. And i have no objections. They smell gross anyway.", Craig shrugged, examining his hand. He still looked numb. There was no light in his eyes. His cheeks were sunk in a bit. Barely. But enough for me to notice. Like he hadn't been eating. I had a feeling there was a lot more going on for him than just parents that were mad at him.

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