Chapter 13

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[The next morning]

~>> 3rd Person POV <<~

Tweek, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Clyde, Token, and Butters were all currently stuffed in Stan's truck and driving to the hospital. They were allowed to go see Craig today and all of them had been eager to. It was an extremely tight squeeze to fit them all in the old hand-me-down truck. Stan was driving and Kyle was in the passenger seat, Butters sitting in the tiny seat between them. Kenny, Clyde, and Token were sitting in the three seats in the back with Tweek splayed across their laps and hiding so he couldn't be seen through the window. Stan was muttering under his breath and hoping to god they wouldn't get pulled over.

"Seriously Kenny why did you bring dandelions??", Clyde asked, looking over at the blond teen who was holding a fistful of dandelions like they were the most fragile thing ever. "Hey people normally bring flowers to someone in the hospital and these were all I could get my hands on! All the rest of you guys brought was cards!", Kenny defended with a serious frown. "Hey! I made him cookies!", Tweek defended from the boys' laps. He soon added, quieter, "T-though he probably won't be allowed to eat them..".

Tweek and Kenny were still extremely solemn about this, more so than the other boys. The others were mainly just relieved and trying to lighten the mood, while Tweek and Kenny were still extremely upset and consumed by the very fact of what had happened the previous night.

"I-i feel like I'm gonna throw up--", Tweek said suddenly, causing a noise of surprise from Token, "Then get your head off my lap!!". "Hold it in Tweek we're almost there..", Stan said, looking tired.

Soon enough, they pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. They all piled out of the truck and made their way towards the front doors of the hospital, them all holding their respective gifts. They got in and Clyde went to the front desk, the rest of the boys trailing behind, "We're here to see Craig Tucker.". The receptionist looked a bit surprised at the amount of them but nodded, checking something on her computer before saying, "4th floor. Room 403.".

They all hummed "thank you"s and headed down the hallway to the elevator. Tweek adjusted his jacket a bit, twitching and appearing nervous. All of the boys were nervous, but some hid it better than others.

They reached the fourth floor and walked down the hallway to the room they were supposed go to. Kenny carefully opened the door and they all peeked in. Craig was sitting in his hospital bed with his chin rested in his hand. His mother and sister were in there as well. He tensed a bit when he realized the door was being opened and looked over. His eyes widened when he realized who it was, "G-guys.. You're here..".

Craig's mom smiled softly and stood up, gesturing for Tricia to come with her so the boys could have time alone with Craig. As she neared them she pulled some papers out of her purse, "Um.. These are for you guys.. Craig wrote them. You were supposed to get them if he.. You know.. But I just figured you should have them anyway..".

Kyle blinked and shakily took the papers, handing them all out. None of the boys read them, they just stuffed them in their pockets or jackets. They didn't want to ruin the happiness they were feeling at seeing Craig awake. They filed in and Craig looked away, towards the window. It was snowing a bit outside, despite the fact that it was mid-April. "You guys .. Actually came to see me...". His forearms were bandaged up.

"Of course we did.. I brought you cookies... I-i hope that's okay..", Tweek said timidly, placing a drawing he had made for Craig and the box of cookies on the table next to the hospital bed. Craig smiled softly. He looked tired. He had been crying too. "Thanks Tweekers..".

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