The Lowly Strawberry

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“Good morning, Ichigo!!” Isshin came lunging at Ichigo’s face. Luckily, for Ichigo anyway, he managed to grab his father’s face and lunge him out the window.

Ichigo rubbed his eye and looked out the window, to find Isshin three feet away from the trash can. “Looks like I need a stronger throw…” He walked away from the window to his closet. He slowly eased it open, and grabbed his school clothes.

He looked at the top of the closet, to find a flat, empty shelf. I still can’t get used to her not being here…It’s so boring! He thought to himself.

“Ichigo! Breakfast!” A small voice yelled. It was Yuzu. Her and Karin were up, and having their breakfast at the table. “Ichigo, how are you?” Yuzu asked respectfully to her older brother.

Ichigo waltzed to his seat and looked out the window. “I’m alright. Hasn’t dad picked himself up yet?” Ichigo took his seat and began digging into his breakfast.

Karin shrugged. “Maybe he’s getting old…”

Isshin managed, somehow, to appear behind Karin. “OLD! Who’s getting old!? Certainly not m..” A small punch to the face by Karin shut him up.

“See…You can’t even stand up from a minor blow by me!” She smirked and looked at Ichigo. He was daydreaming again… “Hey, Ichigo! Snap out of it!” Karin banged on the table.

Ichigo jumped and looked at the two girls. “Are you alright, Ichigo?”  Yuzu tilted her head to one side.

Ichigo stood up and grabbed his bag. “I’m fine. I better get to school. See ya later…” He dragged his feet outside and shut the door behind him.

It was strange for Ichigo, not having her around. He felt somewhat lonely without her. He began to think of Hueco Mundo, and the Hogyoku… We’ve been friends for a short time, but we are so close…

He stopped in his thoughts when he had arrived to school. He was met up with Mizuiro, and Keigo met up with Ichigo’s fist. When he walked into the class, Tatsuki and Orihime flagged him over.

“hey, Ichigo. Are you alright? You seem kinda down, today…” Tatsuki asked the sulking strawberry. He gave her shrug, and walked off. “What’s his problem?” Tatsuki folded her arms, and scowled.

“He’s missing her…He’s been like that ever since she had left…” Orihime gazed at Ichigo, worriedly. “No matter what we do, he just doesn’t seem to be happy without her presence…” She looked down at her hands.

I can never make Ichigo smile, like the way she can… She understands him more than I can… I can never give Ichigo what she gives him…She clenched her fists and began to drift into her thoughts. Why did you leave?

The day was boring and long. The friends had gone to the rooftop. Ichigo sulked in a corner. Chad, Mizuiro and Keigo were debating if Ichigo would ever become Ichigo again.

“Ichigo is so depressed…” Mizuiro said quietly. “Do you think he’s going to be like this for the rest of his life?”

“I don’t know, but I think it might be a good idea to find him another girl…” Keigo said, placing his hands on his hips.

“I can hear you, over there!” Ichigo stood up and took off into the school.

“Where do you think you’re going!?” Tatsuki yelled in annoyance.

“I…Need some time alone…” He spoke quietly, just so the rest could hear him. He waved back, and headed to the library.

The library was the only place the others didn’t hang out in, so Ichigo managed to find some time to think.

How can someone like you be so annoying, when you aren’t even in the same world! “Argh!” He accidentally grunted out loud.

Everyone turned to him and placed a finger on their lips. “SSHHH!!”

He carefully slid down the chair and placed a book on his head. There’s no point in moping about it…But the only problem is…I can’t get her out of my mind…This is so frustrating!

Ichigo took a walk down memory lane after school, and visited the places where he and her encountered hollows, Bounts, and other unsightly creatures.

There were so many memories of him and her…So many arguments…So many fights…So many… “So many goodbyes…” He stopped when he had reached the street that Byakuya and Renji had taken her back to the soul society, when Ichigo still had her power…He stood there, gazing at the road. He remembered her turning to him, eyes full of tears, begging him to stay on the ground. He remembers her face, when she turned to him one last time, before they had left to the soul society…

“Ichigo?” Ichigo turned to see a girl with long, orange hair approach him. “What are you doing here?” She tilted her head.

“Orihime…” Ichigo turned his head back to the road. “Just…Going for a walk…” He turned back to see her hands were full of bags. “Do you want me to help you carry your bags?” He nodded towards them.

Orihime smiled at him and shook her head. “No, I’m alright!” She then looked to see that she had dropped one, and the contents spilled all over. “Oh, no..” She immediately bent down and picked them up. Ichigo gave her a hand, and took a couple of bags from her to carry.

“There…” He turned and he and Orihime made their way to Orihime’s house. “Do you want me to give you a hand unpacking these?” He placed them on the table.

“No, it’s quite alright…” Orihime looked from out of her cupboard. “Are you alright, Ichigo? You really do seem down today…”

Ichigo placed his hands in his pockets and scowled. “I’m alright…You sure you don’t need a hand, Orihime?”

“No, I’m alright. Really!” She smiled at him, and watched him head out the door.

“Well then, I’ve gotta go. See you later, Orihime.” He gave her a friendly wave, and smiled back.

He closed the door and left Orihime, unpacking. “Bye, Ichigo…”

Ichigo made his way back to the Kurosaki house. He had so many thoughts swirling round his head, he could barely walk in a straight line.

“I have got to stop thinking about her!” He arrived home and slumped on his bed.

All that night, he was thinking about her, until he drifted to sleep…

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