Yours Truly (II)

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“Rukia! Got more paper work here!” Izuru yelled from behind Rukia’s door.

“AUGH! When is this paperwork going to end!?” Rukia slammed her head against the desk, and grunted loudly.

“Rukia, if you don’t want to do this job, you can quit!” Izuru spoke, dropping a heap of paper in front of Rukia’s desk. It was the only place that hadn’t got paper work on.

“Me, quit? Never!” Rukia slammed her hands on the desk, and looked at Izuru. “How do you handle all this, Izuru? It’s tedious!”

Izuru let out a chuckle. “You just get used to it after a while!” He shrugged and left her office. “I’ll come back to give you a hand. I need to teach a class in fifteen minutes. Save some for me!” He waved and shut the door behind him, revealing a photo, Rukia had pinned on it.

It was a picture of her and Ichigo at the lake. They were smiling, and were happy.

“I see you’ve been busy?” Renji said, letting himself through the door. Rukia quickly turned to her paperwork, and hid her sad expression from Renji. “Still not talking about him, huh?” Renji sat on the desk and smiled casually. “Why don’t you just go and see him?”

“No!” Rukia slammed her hands on the desk. “I am sick and tired of people thinking that I can’t handle myself!” She covered her face in her hands. “I don’t want to be weak…I don’t want everyone’s sympathy…I want…” She stopped herself from crying and swallowed, deeply. “I want…To be alone…”

Renji saw his friend hiding her true feelings, and let her be. He knew that Rukia didn’t want him to feel bad of her if she said anything about Ichigo. He stood up and placed a hand on Rukia’s shoulder. “I understand, Rukia. I’m rather busy, these days, so I won’t be able to visit you much…I’ll come by as much as I can to see you. I know how boring paper work is!” Renji headed for the door and began to close it.

“Renji!” Rukia yelled to him. He opened the door, so he could see Rukia, smile at him. “Thank you, Abarai.” She smiled and waved at the tattooed man.

“Hey, what are families for, right?” He smirked and waved, as he closed the door.


“How is she?” Ichigo said when Renji had arrived from the academy.

Renji shrugged. “She’s pretty down, with all the paper work. She still refuses to talk about you in front of me.” He led Ichigo to the forest, so he was out of Rukia’s sight.

“Lieutenant Abarai!” A girl came running up to the two and bowed.

“Yōsei? How are you?” Renji smiled at the girl and introduced Ichigo. “Ichigo, this is Yōsei, one of Rukia’s pupils.”

“I know you! Rukia’s told me a lot about you! Nice to meet you!” Yōsei bowed her head.

“Rukia’s told you about me?” Ichigo looked confused.

“Yeah! She told me how you first became a shinigami, and you trained and trained to save her, and you got your Ban-kai, training with Yoruichi and…” She could have gone on, but she was stopped by Renji.

“And so and so forth!” He placed a hand on her back. “You better run off, now Yōsei!”

“Okay! See ya Ichigo! Lieutenant Abarai!” The girl ran off into the distance.

Renji chuckled and looked at Ichigo, who was very bewildered. “What’s up?” Renji folded his arms.

“It’s just…I didn’t tell Rukia that Yoruichi trained me to use my Ban-kai…I only told her that I trained with Yoruichi, and Kisuke…” Ichigo placed a hand on his neck. “Who is she?”

“Yōsei came here a few weeks ago… She arrived shortly after Rukia had started teaching.” Renji carried on walking.

Yōsei, huh? Hmmm…Were have I heard that name from before?

Ichigo began to ponder. I know that girl, I just can’t place it…I don’t like this one bit…

“Ichigo?” Renji asked, looking worried. “You alright?”

“Yeh…It’s just that Yōsei makes me nervous…There’s something not quite right about her…” Ichigo scowled, and let out a sigh. “Well, it’s no time to worry about her, we should just worry about how to not let Rukia see me…”

The two began to plan the steps of Rukia’s surprise. The only problem was, they had two completely different ideas…

“Why don’t you sing a ballad?” Renji smirked at the very ripe strawberry.

“No frikin’ way! I can’t and I won’t sing!” He folded his arms. “Why not just do it traditionally, and throw a party? Music, drinks, drunken shinigamis…On second thought, forget that idea…” Ichigo looked at Renji, who was thinking the same.

Drunken shinigamis were harder to handle than Aizen’s army…They would cause more destruction to the Sereitei than when the bounts had came…

The two shivered at the thought, and tried to come up with a plan…

Eventually, they had come to an agreement. 

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