The Snow And The Rain

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The bold text is Ichigo's inner world and the rest is Rukia's inner world

Sorry this one's short! Actually, the entire story has short chapters... Forgove me, for I have sinned. But please don't stop reading it because they're short! I finished this story a year or so ago so I know that the rest will be only a few pages for each chapter... 

Once again, I apologise in advance for the short chapters!



“Sode no shirayuki?” Rukia screamed. She was in her inner world. The frosted ground shimmered from underneath her. The trees glistened and sparkled from the light, reflecting off the ice crystals that laid on the branches. Rukia felt a sudden shiver travel down her spine. She looked up, to see snow lightly falling. She held out her hand, to see the soft snowflakes land daintily on her palm. It slowly melted away, and dripped onto the snowy ground. Rukia turned round. “Sode no shirayuki? Are you here?” She heard no answer. “How peculiar…” She cupped her hands and breathed into them, lightly. Although it was her inner world, it still felt cold.

“Zangetsu?” Ichigo yelled. He was in his inner world. The skyscrapers were stretching horizontally. The clouds were moving side-ways. Ichigo felt a rumble below him. The clouds darkened, and it began to drizzle. The droplets ran down his face and hair. He held out his hand and several droplets landed on his palm. They made a cold feeling run through his hand, and they gently dripped onto the skyscraper below him. “Zangetsu! You here?” Ichigo heard no response. “Where is he…?” Ichigo lifted up his hood and began to walk around. It felt lonely…Very familiar to Ichigo.

Rukia was wondering around for quite some time. She was freezing up, and could barely feel her fingers. The snow had picked up pace, and was almost a blizzard. She had to find shelter…

Ichigo was almost collapsing. He had been walking for days, it seemed. His clothes were drenched, and the slight drizzle turned to a rapid shower. He had to find some place dry…

“What’s going on?” Rukia asked. She managed to find shelter in a small cave. She had a fire going. “How long have I been here? It feels like about a week…” Rukia looked outside, to see that the snow had not stopped falling. “I wish Ichigo were here….” She curled herself up and began to shiver.

“Zangetsu!?” Ichigo only just managed to wail out. He was drenched and fatigued, but managed to find shelter in a dark crevice. He had a fire going, and took off his dripping wet hoodie and shirt, which he laid near the fire, to get them dry. Ichigo felt cold, having his chest naked. “Rukia…” He curled up and began to think of the memories of her.

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