The Fairy In The Snow

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“That’s it for today’s lesson! We shall carry on with everyday objects tomorrow, and look at kitchen utensils!” A studious voice spoke happily to the class of shinigami’s.

“Miss Kuchiki?” A young girl with blonde hair in high pigtails stepped towards Rukia, who was cleaning the chalkboard. “Can I ask you something?” The shy girl spoke nervously, clutching a book close to her chest.

Rukia looked at the girl and smiled, graciously. “What is it,yōsei?” She sat casually on the desk.

“Umm…I was wondering if you could take us to the world of the living…To see the humans, and their behaviour…” She stuttered and shifted her eyes out of nervousness.

“I…I don’t think I could do that…It’s not permitted…” Rukia saw the disappointed girl.

“Oh…” The girl looked at her hands, clenching the book hard. “Well, how about..” She looked up. “…You bring a human here?”

Rukia widened her eyes. “You can’t do that! A human cannot come to the soul society…” Rukia paused. “Yōsei, I’ll sort something out. You better head off…Or would you like to accompany me?” Rukia smiled at the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Yōsei let out a smile and nodded. “Yes, of course, miss Kuchiki!” She bowed her head.

Rukia giggled. “Just call me Rukia, when we’re out of class, okay?” Rukia took a pile of sheets and handed them to Yōsei. “Could you help me take these into my office?”

“O-of course, Miss Ku...Rukia!” Yōsei quickly corrected herself, and followed Rukia, who was carrying an equal amount of paperwork. “Wow! You have a lot of paperwork!”

“Yeah, I had this much when I was just doing my duties in squad 13!” Rukia opened the door to her office, and placed the pile of paper on a chair. “Just put them on the desk, Yōsei.”

“I hope I get into the 13 court guard squads!” Yōsei helped Rukia sort out the paperwork into two separate piles.

Rukia was telling Yōsei about her adventures in the world of the living.

“Do you miss him?” She asked when they had finished.

“Very much, yes…” Rukia paused. She looked at Yōsei and smiled unconvincingly.

“Do you love him?” Yōsei jumped up in glee.

Rukia frowned and looked away. “It’s…Complicated…We have saved each other’s lives countless times…It’s like a very annoying song, that you can’t get out of your head…” Rukia turned to Yōsei.

“Why don’t you ask him to come and be your assistant? He is a substitute shinigami, so he can come here, right?” Yōsei gave out a large smile.

Rukia didn’t want Ichigo to help her. She didn’t want to bother him anymore…

It’s not like she didn’t want to see him. She was just…Frightened…

I miss you so much, Ichigo, that I am afraid to tell anybody, in case I say something stupid…

“” Yōsei looked at her tutor uneasy. “Are you okay?” She tugged on Rukia’s sleeve.

Rukia looked at her and smiled. “I’m fine. Thank you very much for helping me, Yōsei. You better run along now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“O.K. Thank you, Rukia! See you tomorrow!” Yōsei let out a wave and ran through the corridor, to outside.

I remember how I was when I was here… How time goes by, right? Rukia began to think to herself, whilst she watched the pupils outside of her window. It seems only yesterday that you had become a substitute shinigami… She looked at her calendar. June 10thRukia let out a smile.

June 10th…The same day I heard that you came to save me…

“Miss Kuchiki?” A strong male voice came from outside Rukia’s office.

“Izuru? What’s the matter?” Rukia opened her door to find the blonde-haired shinigami in front of her.

“Captain Ukitake wishes to see you, immediately. He wants a status report from you.” Izuru folded his arms and hid a small smile behind his hair.

“Thank you, Izuru. I shall report to him immediately!” Rukia nodded and ran past Izuru.

Rukia…You never change. Even when you were in the academy, you were always running about… Izuru let out a chuckle, and went on with his duties.

Knock Knock

“Captain Ukitake? You wanted to see me, sir?” Rukia slid the door open slightly.

“Yes, there is a matter of which I want to speak to you.” Ukitake invited her in.

“I’ve heard comments from some of your pupils, and one in particular…” Ukitake was sitting at his desk, with a warm smile on his face. “You are familiar with Yōsei, am I right?”

Rukia knelt down in front of Ukitake’s desk. “Yes, I have spent quite some time with her today.”

“She said something about wanting you to bring a human here…” Ukitake stood up from his seat and walked towards Rukia.

“That is correct, captain. I specifically told her that we cannot allow a human into the soul society.” Rukia spoke in confidence.

“I understand that, Rukia. I have assigned someone to be your assistant. He knows as much about humans as you do, but it may take a while to get him. He’s very busy at the moment, you see.” Ukitake let out a wide smile, and a small chuckle.

“I understand, captain Ukitake! Thank you!” Rukia bowed her head and made her leave.

It must be Renji…He’s the only one who knows about humans like me.

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