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 Ichigo awoke, slowly. The morning sun beamed through the large window, beside his bed. He let out a large sigh and shut his eyes, again. "What a weird dream…It felt like I really did die…Hm?" He stopped with his thoughts, when he noticed a warm hand on his bare, muscular chest. The feminine figure was leaning against his arm and her short, raven hair was nestled on his strong forearm.

The petite, naked figure shuffled as close as she possibly could to Ichigo's own. The thin sheet, spread over them shined with the sun's rays, gently caressing the two. The slow breeze snuck its way into the room, whisping up the green, silk curtains. Ichigo smiled lightly and caressed the girl's hair.

"That's right…I did die." He let out a chuckle, as he saw the girl slowly open her eyes. "Morning, Rukia." He spoke calmly to her.

"What…Time…Is it…?" Rukia mumbled.

Ichigo grabbed the alarm clock, standing on the desk beside the bed. "Uhhmmm…6…45." He placed it back on the desk and sighed.

Rukia immediately sat up, with her hair, straggled over her face. "Damn! We're gonna be late for school!" She jumped out the bed and ran around the room. "DamnDamnDamnDAMN!" She yelled, holding her head, as she grabbed her clothes and rushed them on.

Ichigo watched the humorous girl and chuckled. He stood up and grabbed Rukia's shoulders, to keep her still. "Relax, Rukia. You're getting yourself all worked-up! Look at yourself!"

Rukia looked at herself through the mirror, to find her shirt was back-to-front, and her shoes were on the wrong feet. A large blush spread across her face and she let out a large groan. "DAMN!" She lowered her head in annoyance.

Ichigo smiled and lifted up her head, to show her pouting face. "Here." He said, sweetly. He grabbed the bottom of her shirt and threw it off her shoulders, to reveal her bare stomach and her lace Bra. Ichigo had gotten the shirt the right way and slipped it onto Rukia and buttoned it up. He grabbed the deep, red bow and tied it, loosely. "There. Better?" He rubbed the short girl's hair, teasingly.

Rukia smoothed out her hair and huffed. "I can dress myself, you know!" She folded her arms, as Ichigo slipped on his uniform.

He turned to her and smirked. "I didn't say you couldn't!" He leaned his head into Rukia's to steal a kiss from her. "I just felt like it!"

As he turned, to head downstairs, Rukia grabbed her bag. "Well, don't expect this every day!" She yelled to him. "Damn, he's left!" She mumbled, as she hopped out the window. "Stupid…Strawberry…Making me…Aurgh! I am never doing that again!" She muttered to herself, on her way to school. "I wish I hadn't been given that vacation from Byakuya…I can't believe that he agreed to me staying here with Ichigo!"

"That's because he was out-numbered!"

Rukia turned, to find her childhood friend and fellow Shinigami, Renji Abarai. "Hey, Renji." She muttered.

He scowled and placed his hands behind his head. "Hey, I also was given a vacation! So don't think that you are 'special' in any way. By the way…You seem in an odd mood, today… Did something happen between you and Ichigo?" He leaned closer to Rukia's head and grinned.

Rukia's face turned a bright shade of red, out-matching Renji's hair. "None. Of. Your. Business!" She spoke through gritted teeth.

Renji smirked and leaned back. "OH! I see! You and Ichigo…"

"I said it was none of your business, FOOL!" Rukia yelled, as she kicked Renji's face. Hard.

Renji burst into laughter. "Wait until I tell Captain Kuchiki you and Ichigo were…"

"I said SHUT THE HELL UP!!" She yelled so loud, that the entire town heard her, followed by a loud thud.

When Rukia appeared at school, she was given some dirty looks by Tatsuki. "Geez, what did you do to Abarai, Rukia?"

"Oh, nothing!" She spoke with her 'school-girl' voice.

Renji appeared behind Tatsuki and whispered in her ear. A large smile appeared on Tatsuki and she gazed at the group of boys, around Ichigo. "You and Ichigo!? Seriously!?" She yelled.

The entire class had heard and they turned their attention to the very small, red girl standing very still. They then turned to Ichigo, who had disappeared to somewhere. Rukia looked to try and find Ichigo. She ran to the window, to see Ichigo in his Shihakusho, grimacing at her.

"ICHIGO!!" She yelled out the window, to the orange haired boy. He waved to her and laughed.

"Sorry, Rukia! Duty calls!" He yelled to the very red girl.

Orihime, Chad, Tatsuki and Uryu watched their Shinigami friend, abandon his little girlfriend with the perverted class.

What a good Boyfriend, he is!


Okay, so this was a short story, I admit to that. And it was done a year ago, but please be nice to me. This is the first story ever that I've managed to finish. I wanted to put it on here just to widen my audience and get your opinion on my writing styles, what you like/don't like and etc. So, if you want more Bleach fanfiction leave a comment, fan me, vote, or all three! And I promise I'll give you more :)


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