The Snow's Arrival In Summer

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“Ichigo!” Rukia sat up immediately from a bed in the 4th division’s relief station. She looked around to find she was alone. “What am I doing here?” She slipped out of the bed and headed outside, when she was stopped by Retsu Unohana. “Captain Unohana! I….” Rukia bowed her head at the soft-speaking squad 4 captain.

“Rukia. How are you feeling?” She looked at Rukia in concern.

“What…Happened?” Rukia looked at Unohana confused.

“You passed out, Rukia. Maybe from all the training you’ve been doing.” The captain smiled through her eyes. “You better get some rest.” She walked passed and turned to Rukia. “Don’t push yourself, Rukia. Byakuya wouldn’t allow it.” She smiled and continued walking.

“Thank you, Captain Unohana!” Rukia gave her one last bow and queried. Does that mean…That was a dream? Or was it more than that… How did I faint in the first place…I never recall feeling faint, or anything…

Rukia spent the whole day wondering about the dream. Wondering around for weeks, trying to find a friend. Someone to talk to. She couldn’t even find Sode no shirayuki. She wasn’t sure if it was a dream, or it was her in her inner world. She decided to converse it with Renji.

Later in the day, when she had finished her chores and paper work, she met up with Renji in the forest, just beside the west Rucongai district. “Hmmm…I’m not entirely sure…Did you feel anything there?” Renji asked, leaning towards Rukia’s face. He leaned back and placed his hands behind his head.

Rukia leaned hear head back, against an old oak tree, towering over her. “I felt the cold…And I felt lonely. It was as if I was in there for a month, wondering around, trying to find something…” She looked at the sky, and shut her eyes gently.

Renji leaned forward and looked at the grass blowing in the wind. “What were you looking for?” He gently shut his eyes and concentrated in feeling the cool breeze, sweep across his face.

Rukia stood up and looked at the west Rukongai. “I…I don’t know…” She did know, but if Renji found out, he would not like it one bit. “I have to go…I need to meet up with Gengoro Onabara, for some ‘teaching tips’.” As she spoke, she indicated with her hands inverted commas.

Renji grinned. “Yeah! More like ‘How to yell’ tips!” Rukia walked passed Renji. “See ya, Rukia!” He waved to her, and she waved back in response.

I can’t tell Renji what I was looking for…I can’t tell anyone...I was looking for…guidance from Kaien…Or was it Kaien? Maybe someone who closely resembles Kaien? It didn’t feel like I was looking for Kaien himself. I could only picture a silhouette of a man, about six feet. Spiky hair and wearing a Shihakusho…Could it be him?

Rukia shook her head, when she had arrived at the Shinigami Academy. I shouldn’t let thoughts get the better of me. Especially if I am to teach at the Shinigami academy…About humans… She stooped and clenched her fists. “This is going to be harder than I thought…” She looked up to the sky. The clouds were slowly moving, and the gentle breeze whisped her hair. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Just like that day…”

Two years ago…

“I’ve decided to stay in the soul society…” Rukia spoke quietly to Ichigo, standing in front of her. He let out a smile and nodded.

“I understand…Will I…See you again?” He asked placing his hands on his head.

Rukia smiled and looked to the sky. “You can count on it…” She took in a deep breath and looked at Orihime and Uryu, running towards the two shinigamis. “I guess this will be farewell for now.”

Ichigo lets out a scowl. “Yeah, guess so…” He turned and followed Orihime and Uryu to the senkaimon. He turned to see Rukia, standing there, letting the wind whisp up her hair and crisp white robe. He let out a wave, and left.

Rukia stood there, watching the three leave her. “Good-bye, Ichigo Kurosaki…Until we meet again…” She looked up and shut her eyes. The breeze was relaxing and cool…

A tear ran down her cheek. She missed her friends so much. The five of them were very close. Rukia wiped her eyes, placed a gentle smile on her face and continued into the academy, to find Izuru, waiting for her. “Izuru? What are you doing here?” Rukia tilted her head.

Izuru was leaning casually on the wall, just inside the academy. “Gengoro Onabara sent me, to show you around your office and classes.” He stood up straight, and led the short shinigami to her office.

 “Here we are. Your own office.” Izuru opened the door, and let Rukia enter before him.

Her eyes widened, to see a pile of paperwork on the desk. “More paperwork?” She pouted.

Izuru giggled, and removed the paperwork from her desk. “Well…You only get this much paperwork in the first couple of weeks, just to see if you can deal with the stress of both teaching, and writing.” He smiled and looked at the sad-looking Rukia. “Rukia? Are you alright?” Izuru walked towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

“I…I’m fine…” She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Izuru, with a smile. “Don’t worry about me! I just need some time to get used to all these changes…”

Izuru understood what she was implying. He turned to a bookcase, and took out a book reading: ‘Teaching for beginners’ and handed it to Rukia. “I understand that you miss him…I miss someone too…” His eyes saddened and he walked out the office. “Gongoro will be here shortly…” He waved and left down the corridor, leaving Rukia, glaring at the book Izuru had given her.

I hope I can pull this off…I should stop thinking of him…I should forget him. It’s unlikely that we will meet again soon, so I should just get on with my own life. Okay. Time to start my new life without him… But, this snow is still going to fall inside me… will my heart let me forget him?

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