Fairy And Pixie

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A book was heard, slamming on the desk. “Alright! That’s our lesson for today! Good work, and don’t forget your homework!” Rukia spoke calmly to the group of students in front of her. “Have a good day, everyone!”

They dispersed and left Rukia alone to scream. She had been sorting out paper work non-stop for weeks, and teaching three times a week. She had had enough, and was ready to quit.

When she left the classroom, she was met up with Yōsei. “Rukia!” She waved, running towards her. “Rukia? You know that Ichigo, you speak of?”


“How strong is he?”

Rukia giggled. “Extremely. He is stronger than captain Kuchiki, I tell you that much!” Rukia had made sure that Byakuya wasn’t hearing in. She would have been in serious trouble if he heard her.

“What’s most important to him?” Yōsei tilted her head and gazed at Rukia.

“Hm…I don’t know…” Rukia looked away. “The people around him...His friends, family...Why?” Rukia looked at Yōsei, who was smirking, menacingly.

“You mean you?” She asked.

Rukia felt uneasy, and refused to answer her question.

“I see…What would happen if something terrible would happen to you?” She grimaced, and drew out a zanpakuto. “I bet he would be devastated!” She smirked and lunged towards Rukia.

She immediately dodged Yōsei’s attack, and refused to strike her. “Why are you doing this, Yōsei? I thought we were friends?”

“Oh, we are. It’s me and Ichigo who aren’t!” Yōsei lunged towards Rukia with brute force. “He ignored me when we were young! He always spent time with that tomboy, and his precious mommy!”

“What! How dare you use my friend’s name and family in vain!?” Rukia released a Kido. “Bakudo 1, Sai!”

Yōsei deflected it, somehow. “You think Kido would work on me? I am the most intelligent shinigami in the world! I know everything about everything, including your precious Ichigo’s weaknesses!” She lunged at Rukia, and struck her face. A small scratch appeared on Rukia’s right cheek.

Rukia growled. “Ichigo HAS NO WEAKNESSES!” She yelled. “You don’t get it, do you? Whatever happens, Ichigo can get through it! He is immensely strong in body and mind! There’s nothing you can do that’ll destroy him!” Rukia shouted at the girl in confidence.

The girl laughed menacingly. “HA! So you’re saying that, if you die in some tragic accident, then he won’t care?” She shook her head. “I know Ichigo’s one and only weakness: Seeing the one girl he loves, DIE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM!” She dragged the sword across the ground, and leaped up, taking Rukia up with her. “I want you to feel something!” The girl grimaced.

They arrived outside, and a spiritual pressure hit Rukia. “What!?” Rukia couldn’t believe it. Was Ichigo really there, in the soul society?

“Hahaha! Prepare to die, where Ichigo can feel the pain!” She lunged to Rukia. Rukia managed to jump out of the way.

Two shinigamis came to where Rukia and Yōsei were.

“Rukia! What’s going on!?” Shuhei yelled.

“It looks like we have a rogue student on our hands, Shuhei. I don’t think Rukia will be safe if she stopped and had a chat with us! Let’s help her!” Ikkaku drew out his zanpakuto.

Just then, Ikkaku felt his sword fly out of his hands. Beside him was Yōsei. “I see you’re familiar with Ichigo, too?”

“What of it?” Shuhei answered, drawing out his zanpakuto, then having it thrown out of his hands, also.

“Then you as well must DIE!” She let out her spiritual pressure. It was so immense, that Ichigo and Renji had felt it.

“What the hell is that?” Ichigo turned to face the Sereitei.

“That spiritual pressure…Ikkaku, Shuhei, Yōsei, and…” The two gasped. “RUKIA!”

“We better hurry, Ichigo!” Renji said, getting ready to flash step.

Ichigo nodded. “Right!” They both set off to the direction of the spiritual pressure.

When they arrived, they found Ikkaku and Shuhei on the ground in bad conditions. “Renji! You alert the captains! I’ll handle her!” Renji nodded and set off to gather Unohana, squad four captain.

“I’m going to KILL YOU, Kuchiki!” Yōsei ran towards the badly injured Rukia. She was vulnerable to attacks in that condition.

Ichigo had to think of something fast. He did the only thing he could. He threw himself in front of Rukia, and shielded her with his spiritual pressure. He changed to his Ban-kai state, to defend them more, but it wasn’t enough. Yōsei had struck Ichigo. Her sword slid through him like butter. It wasn’t able to reach Rukia. But only by a few inches. Rukia looked wide-eyed at the man over her.

“I…Ichigo?” Rukia stuttered, glaring at the sword’s tip.

Ichigo leaned his face to Rukia’s and kissed her, gently. “Nice to see you, Rukia…” He collapsed over Rukia, causing her to fall back.

“That’ll teach ya to leave me, Ichigo! You didn’t care about me, even when I left!” Yōsei chuckled to herself, when all of a sudden, she felt a blade through her chest.

It was Rukia’s. Tears streamed down Rukia’s face. Her hand was shaking, and her other hand was clenched in a fist. “You really think that revenge is the only way to show him how you felt? Ichigo understands. He feels pain, when he knows he has upset someone, no matter who it is he has upset! He is caring! He is considerate! He looked out for others who couldn’t protect themselves! He puts other’s before himself! If you had just spoken to him, you would understand what I mean! So much has happened to him, he will listen to anyone about anything and try to do what he can to help!” Rukia’s voice began to croak with sadness.

Rukia drew her blade from Yōsei. “You don’t deserve to die by my hand! Ichigo should have done it himself! That would have been a fate worse than death!”

Yōsei could no longer speak. Her soul had dispersed. She no longer moved or breathed…

“Rukia!” Renji wailed, running towards the girl, with Ichigo in her arms. He stopped, to see the deep wound. “Oh no…Ichigo…” He bent down, and carried Ichigo to Unohana.

Rukia was left, standing with tears in her eyes. “You were here all along, weren’t you, Ichigo..? And when you come to save me, you die....”She fell on her knees and began to sob.

A hand softly rested on her shoulder. She looked up, to see Renji, standing beside her. She lunged herself into his hands, and sobbed. “Why? Why did he die, saving me?”

“You’re his life, Rukia. If he hadn’t saved you, he would have come here for nothing. He came here to see you, and he did. Be strong, Rukia…” Renji held her tight.

Unohana came from Ichigo’s room, to find Renji and Rukia, waiting impatiently.

“How is he?” Renji spoke for Rukia. She could barely speak, herself.

Unohana frowned and shook her head. “Not good. The damage is very serious. I’m sorry for saying, but it’ll be a miracle if he pulls through. I’m sorry, Rukia…” She walked away, leaving Rukia and Renji.

“It’s all my fault...If I hadn’t spoken about him to anyone, he would still be here...” Rukia clenched her fists and stood up. She walked to the door and turned her head slightly. “Could I see Ichigo, alone?”

She saw Renji nod slightly, and opened the door. She found Ichigo lying on the floor bed, breathing only slightly.

“Ichigo? Why did you save me? You knew that you would be hurt...so, why?” Rukia rested her hand on Ichigo’s face. She ran it down to his chest, hearing slight beats from his heart. His chest slightly raised, then fell. Sweat fell from his face.

“Don’t die, Ichigo...” A tear fell from her cheek onto Ichigo’s hand. She held it tightly with her own. “Please, Ichigo...” She looked at him through swimming eyes. He was losing his complexion and his heart slowed down immensely.

Ichigo was trying his best to stay alive...He didn’t want to see Rukia cry. Ever...  

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