Yours Truly (I)

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School had finished, and Ichigo had been making his way back home, until he had received a phone call to Urahara’s.

It was probably very important. Kisuke never calls for Ichigo unless it is an emergency. Ichigo was walking casually to Urahara’s shop, when he was met up with a black cat.

“Ichigo! Long time no see! How are you?” The cat purred and rubbed itself round Ichigo’s legs.

“Yoruichi? I thought you were residing in the soul society? What are you doing here?” Ichigo picked up the small fuzzy cat and saw a glint in it’s eye.

“I am. I was sent here with a message for you. It’s from Ikkaku, Shuhei and Byakuya. Although, Byakuya didn’t want a part of it..” The cat turned it’s head to the side, and Ichigo placed it on the ground.

“What would they want to tell me?” Ichigo looked at Yoruichi, who was making her way into the shop.

“Come.” She waved her tail high in the air, and led Ichigo to Kisuke.

“Ichigo! How’ve you been?” Kisuke said from behind his opened fan.

Ichigo looked, to see a captain, lieutenant and a 3rd seat sitting beside Kisuke.

“Ichi! Nice to see ya!” The bald headed shinigami exclaimed.

“I…Ikkaku!? Shuhei?! AND Byakuya!? What the hell is going on?” Ichigo stumbled back.

“It’s captain Kuchiki…” Byakuya spoke unemotionally.

“We were sent here to collect ya!” Shuhei grimaced at the pale white strawberry. “By orders of captain Ukitake.”

“Ukitake? So why did he send Byakuya?” Ichigo glared at the three.

“Captain Kuchiki…” Byakuya repeated himself.

“Why did he send you? What does he want with me?” Ichigo looked at Kisuke, but he had left the room with Yoruichi. “Kisuke…”

“Captain Kuchiki came because it has to do with Rukia.” Ikkaku leaned closer to Ichigo. “He doesn’t seem to trust you.” He whispered.

Ichigo narrowed his gaze. “Yeah, you just noticed?” He looked at Byakuya, who was sitting there with his usual expression. “So what’s wrong? Why do they want me when Rukia needs help? It’s not like she needs me…” He looked away and shoved his hands in his pockets.

A hand slapped on Ichigo’s back. “She misses you, Kurosaki! And she does need your help!” Shuhei placed a hand round Ichigo’s neck. “And you are coming, even if you don’t want to!” He placed Ichigo in a headlock.

“Get off of me! What the hell do you think you are doing!?” Ichigo began squirming about, and managed to ease himself out of Shuhei’s headlock.

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