The Rain Continues To Fall

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Ichigo was strolling down the street, with his two sisters by his side. Karin was telling the two about her soccer match, and how she scored the winning goal. Yuzu was skipping along happily, carrying a bag of groceries and Ichigo was gazing in the distance, thinking of her.

That dream….Was I searching for her? I felt lonely and defenceless…A feeling I didn’t want to feel again the first time, when I was young…But, why couldn’t I find her? It definitely was her who I was searching for…I mean, is there any shinigami her height, and shape? Not that I know of, anyway…


“Ichigo? Have you been listening?” Karin nudged her older brother in the side. “You haven’t been the same since this morning…” Karin looked at Ichigo, worriedly.

This morning


Ichigo woke up with a jolt, covered in sweat. He was panting heavily. He placed his hand on his forehead, to find a cloth over it. He sat up, to see Yuzu and Karin, kneeling beside the bed.


“Ichigo! Are you okay?” Yuzu asked, with a relieved smile. “You were panting and sweating! I thought you had a fever!”


Ichigo leaned forward, and slipped out of the bed. “……I’m fine….” He walked to the bathroom, and washed his face.


He looked up in the mirror, to see that his worried expression. “Was that a dream? Where was Zangetsu? Why did it feel like I was in there for over a month?” He turned and rubbed his face in a towel.


Do I miss you that much?


“Ichigo, are you alright?” Karin shouted outside the bathroom.


Ichigo opened the door and made his way to the front door. “I need some time alone…Tell Yuzu and dad not to worry…I’ll be back soon enough.” He left the house, but was later caught up with Yuzu and Karin.


“Ichigo! Wait!” Yuzu ran towards him. “Dad said we need to go get some shopping. Can we come with you?” She began tugging at his sleeve.


Ichigo bent down and let out a warm smile. “Alright…You can come.” He saw Yuzu smile, seeing that he was okay.


But he wasn’t. He didn’t want his family to worry about him, so he kept it to himself.


Ichigo turned to the direction of the wind. “I’m fine. I was just thinking.”

Yuzu looked at Karin. “Were you thinking of her?”

Ichigo looked up at the sky. It was a calm day. The clouds were slowly moving, and the breeze was relaxing and cool. Just like that day…

Ichigo opened his eyes and sighed. “It’s been almost two years now…” He gave out a chuckle and looked at the twins. “How time goes by…”

The three siblings made their way back home. They were greeted by Isshin. “Hey! You kids have fun?” He asked, putting the shopping away.

“It was just shopping, dad.” Karin looked at the old man, in a detached manner. She turned, to find Ichigo gone. “Where’d Ichigo go to?” She looked at a concerned Yuzu.

“Maybe he went off somewhere…” Yuzu looked at the partly opened front door. “Is he alright, you think?”

Isshin folded his arms. “Ichigo’ll be fine. He can look after himself…” He grinned and shut the door. “Let’s finnish unpacking!” He turned his goofy expression on to the two concerned girls.

Ichigo was strolling down near the river. How are you doing? Renji looking out for ya? Byakuya giving you a hard time?


Ichigo stopped and laid on the grassy hill. He shut his eye and was imagining her, lying beside him.

He opened his eyes, to find a short-haired girl, leaning near his face. “Ichigo! You okay?” The girl sat beside the depressed strawberry.

“…” Ichigo wasn’t in the mood to talk.

“You miss her, don’t you? Wondering how she’s doing? If she misses you too?” Tatsuki nudged Ichigo’s chest. “I know she misses you! Who else would she argue with and mock!” She saw Ichigo’s eyes narrow and stopped saying anything else.

Ichigo sat up and glared at the slow-moving ripples in the river. “It’s not that….I had this dream…” He looked at Tatsuki and scowled. He revealed his dream to the tomboy.

“I see…And you want to know if it was a dream?” Tatsuki laid her head on her hands and shut her eyes. “Did you feel any emotions?”

“I felt lonely…Cold and wet.” Ichigo’s eyes became discouraged. “I just want to know if she’s alright…That dream, or whatever must mean something.” He stood up and avoided Tatsuki’s eye contact. “It’s getting late” Ichigo turned his head slightly. “Yuzu and Karin will be getting worried.” He headed back home and let out a wave. “See ya, Tatsuki.”

Tatsuki was left on the embankment. “Bye!” She waved, and then turned to the river. The ripples had stopped; it was as if it became motionless…


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