When there is good news, there is always bad news

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Hi. First of all, these characters all belong to Rick Riordan and J.K.Rowling. And this is after all the 4 wars finished. But, Dumbledore, Fred, and Snape are alive. Also,  Leo and Jason(RIP😭) here, too, and Harry and others still think that Snape is a death eater


(DISCLAIMER) I wrote this book when I was in elementary school, so the grammar in this book is not so good. Also, I've decided to not continue the second book because of my tight schedule. So, if you don't want to finish a book with a huge cliffhanger that never really is explained, don't read it. Your choice:D

Percy's POV

One day, during our combat lesson, Chiron puller over me, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Nico, and Will. He told us that he had exciting news.

"Guys, I have some great news to share. You guys are going to spend a year in no monster zone and go to a new world!" Chiron said.

'Here comes the but.' I thought. When you are a demigod, there is never just good news. 

"But, you have to protect somebody. Also, you have to study, and take exams. I guess that makes more like bad news." Chiron said.

'Of course.' I thought.

"Well, you have...let's see...15 minutes to pack, " Chiron said.

"WHAT?!" We yelled an ran to our cabin.


Fifteen minutes later...

"Now I should warn you. They will eventually know that you are not wizards but you still have to be careful." Chiron said.

"Wait...did you said, wizards?" Piper asked.

"Yeah..." Chiron said.

"I thought they weren't real." She said.

"Mortals think we are fake," Chiron said.

"I guess that makes sense." She said.

"Now hurry. Lady Hecate will bring you to Kingscross Station." Chiron said.


Time pasts...

Kingscross Station

"Now, Lady Hecate said we have to go to 9 3/4," Annabeth said.

"I don't see the sign," I said.

Then I saw a family with red hair and a boy with round glasses going inside a wall.

"Guys look at that family with red hair? I think they are wizards." I said.

"So we have to go inside a wall?!" Nico said.

"Let's admit it. They are weird. What kind of people name their school Hog. Warts?" I said.

Leo and I laughed.

We went to the wall and carefully went inside it. Inside the wall, there was a hidden station. We showed our tickets and went inside to the express.

On the train, we started to find an empty compartment. The only one that fits all of us was the one where the one of the red hair family and the black hair with a scar boy was sitting. There was also a girl with bushy hair.

"Hi! Are you new?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. We are from America." Annabeth said.

"I didn't know there were wizards in America." The red-haired boy said.

"Ron, don't be rude. Anyway, I am Hermione Granger, and this is Ron Weasely and this ..." Hermione was interrupted by Ron.

"The famous Harry Potter," Ron said proudly.

"So, he is the boy?" Will asked Annabeth in Greek.

"Yes." She said back.

"Oh. Hi!" Will said.

"Nice to see you," I said.

"Well...that was unexpected. Most people are usually shocked." Harry said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Uh...because he defeated You-Know-Who like 5 times?" Ron said.

"Who is You-Know-Who?" Piper asked.

"Wow. You guys are clueless." Ron said.

"Hey!" Nico yelled.

"I bet he knows. Or maybe you all do and you are faking!" Ron pointed to Nico and shouted.

"Huh? Why?" Nico asked.

"I mean, just look at you! Black skull graphic t-shirt, black jeans, and that weird dark aura that surrounds you. It makes sense that you are a death eater." Harry said.

"Wait, did you just say Death Eaters?" Nico said and looked at me.

We then started to laugh uncontrollably and the others joined in. Wizards stared at us weirdly.

"Why...would we...want to eat...deaths?" I said, still laughing. 

Ron raised his eyebrows, probably thinking "What in the bloody hell is going on?" and then gasped, "You have tattoos!"

I quickly covered up my tattoo. If I showed my SPOR tattoo, everything would be ruined.

"Ha! I knew it! You are death eaters!" Ron yelled.

"Ron, please. You are overreacting. Many people have tattoos." Hermione said.

"But..." Ron said.

"Just... we will talk to Professor Dumbledore later," Hermione said.

"Okay. But we are not going to drop our suspicions." Ron said and the three of them walked out to change into their robes.

"Well, that was a nice first impression," I said.

"But seriously, what is wrong with these people. What in the world are death eaters? I mean, why would you want to eat Thanatos?" Leo said.

We all laughed again especially Nico. (yeah, I know, surprising. Wizards really do know their magic.)

Well, that's all for this chapter. Hope you liked it. I am going to change some chapters a bit, bc everything I read them, I cringe... a lot. Anyway, hope you have a great day!


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