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Percy's POV

I was back in Tartarus. Annabeth and I were falling down, down, down. My whole life flashed through me. Learning I am a demigod. Fighting Minotaur. Going to the Underworld. Sailing to the Sea of Monsters. Finding Annabeth. Kissing Annabeth for the first time. Going to the Labyrinth. Fighting A War. Watching friends die and suffer. Losing memory and landed on camp Jupiter. Being united with friends. Calypso. Argo ll. Watching Bob suffer. Watching Leo die.

Suddenly, a bald, noseless man appeared.

"Percy Jackson. The son of Poseidon. You shall die with Harry Potter. You are nothing compared to me." He said.

"Yeah, right. If you were more powerful than me, you would have at least try to make a nose." I said, being Persassy again.

"Crucio! Imperius!" The bald guy yelled.

I screamed with despair.

I tried to draw up my riptide, but I felt like the man was controlling me.

I tried to breathe. It was hard. I was suddenly in the River Styx. I was drowning. I heard Nico screaming and yelling for me.

I was in Tartarus poisoned. Annabeth was crying. 

I felt hopeless like I first woke up after I lost my memories back. 

I tried to think of happy memories.

Defeating Kronos. Celebrating with my friends at McDonald's. Kissing Annabeth underwater.

I let a little bit better.

I suddenly woke up.

"Percy!" Annabeth cried and hugged me.

I was in my bed.

"Bro!" Jason yelled.

Will gave me some nectar.

"I...noseless man...Tartarus...Bob..." I didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, Perce. Calm down." Annabeth said.

Suddenly the door burst open.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Tell us about the dream," Grover said.

"I saw my entire life. And this noseless man appeared and said I was nothing. I felt like I was controlled." I said.

"Voldemort." Harry murmured.

"Imperius curse," Ginny said.

"And...I think he said Crucio..." I said.

"What?! How did you even survive that?!" Hermione yelled.

"Hmph. I still bet your life was relaxing as a house cat then Harry's." Ron said.

"What did you say?" Nico asked calmly, which made him scarier.

"I SAID that Percy's lie is nothing compared to Harry's life," Ron said stupidly.

Suddenly the room became darker.

"You don't know what Percy's been through. Did Harry go to hell and almost died? Did he let down a chance to become a god because of his friends? Did he lost his memory and woke up in a different country?!" Nico yelled.

"Harry did go to hell, I think. He lost his parents when he was an infant. He survived from Basilk and Umbridge. He saved the world several times." Ron said.

"Well, if you guys lost and Voldemort won, it would have mostly affected the wizarding world. We saved the whole world. Wait, should I say saved everyone from the world since Gaea is the world and...?" Jason said.

"You don't know You-Know-Who, he is the most dangerous person alive. " Ron said.

"Well, you don't know Kronos and Gaea, they are primordials who can zap Voldemold with a snap!" Thalia said.

"Guys. Percy is sick." Will said, even though he knew it wouldn't work.

"They are just those gods and goddesses. They aren't that strong." Ron said.

"Ha! A goddess made all of you! And our enemy was literally THE EARTH!" Leo yelled.

"Nonsense. I bet Harry can defeat you guys in no time." Ron said.

"Oh ho ho. You wanna bet..."

"SHUT UP!" Annabeth yelled.

The room suddenly became silent.

"I don't want to hear you guys fight about who suffered the most. Percy just saw his whole life! You don't have to remind him again." Annabeth said.

"Sorry," Thalia said.

"Now get out all of you," Will said.

"Sorry for losing my temper bro," Jason said.

"It's okay," I said.

Everyone went out.

I ate my nectar and fell into a dreamless sleep.

OMG. That was probably one of my favorite chapters. By the way, I don't like kissing that much, so my story doesn't have that much romance. Sorry. I used to be okay with it, but now I don't. Don't ask me why.

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