The Sorting Ceremony

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Percy's POV

                                                                                                                               Sorting Hat


Everything went great until my turn to wear the Sorting Hat. Professor Dumbledore introduced us as the American Foreign Exchange Students. We listened to a weird song.

Years ago, four friends made a school for who is special.

Four houses, each for bravery, royalty, cleverness, and sneakiness.

For bravery, you shall go to Gryffindor, the mark of the lion. 

For loyalty, you shall go to Hufflepuff, the mark of the badger. 

For cleverness, you shall go to Ravenclaw, the mark of the eagle.

For cunningness,  you shall go Slytherin, the mark of the snake.

For this year, the four houses will have to be a team and defeat a new enemy.

For the victory, you will have to get help from six half-bloods.

One shall betray all of you and one shall lead you to the victory.

You have to betray who you trust the most and trust who you think you will betray.

The enemy will be defeated by the unknown weapon.

The victory will be lead with someone who already made history

One will be the key to everything.

One will choose the whole school's history.

One can open the portal of magic.

But except for the tragic war that will happen, everything will go great.

 We all shared a look. We will deferentially talk about this later. Everyone murmured about Harry Potter and about the You-Know-Who.

After that, we all had to wear this hat that chooses our houses. Everyone got Gryffindor, except me. Professor called me and I went up and wore the hat.

Another Demigod? Seriously? The Sorting Hat said in my head.

Yeah, got a problem with that? I said to the hat.

Nah. Hmmm... You are different than others. You had a chance to be a god but denied for your girlfriend...Hufflepuff? You are not much of Ravenclaw. You went to Tartarus. That's Gryfindor. But you were sneaky enough to not get killed by monsters. Slytherin? Dang, you are a hard one.

So, Gryffindor? 

No...Ha...This is harder than that Annabeth girl.

Thank you?

So back to you

Can I just be in Gryffindor?

It is not that easy

For Harry Potter, it wasn't. I heard him talking to his friends.

Well, he didn't have that exciting past. I only sent him to Gryffindor because of Voldemort.

So his name is Voldemort...

I give up. You are too hard.

I picked up the hat and told Mrs. Mcgonagall that the Sorting Hat wasn't able to choose. She made a weird face went up to Professor Dumbledore. Now everybody was staring at me. A few minutes later, Dumbledore told me to join my friends for now.

I went to the Gryffindor table and squeezed between Annabeth and Will.

"Sorry for the interruption. Now let the feast began." Professor announced.

Suddenly the table was full of delicious food. We decided to eat first since we left before lunch. After all the talking and laughing we all lined up to go our houses(I mean their houses, where am I going?). However, Dumbledore called us before we went out. He motioned us to follow him. We all went to his office. The office was charming like Chiron's room.

"I bet the song that the Sorting Hat isn't just a song." He said.

"Yeah. The part about the six half-blood and all." I said.

"Thankfully, the hat disguised the song very well. " Dumbledore said.

"How?" Piper asked.

"Well, in the wizarding world, there are three types of wizards. Muggle-borns, Pure Bloods, and, Half-Bloods, which is half muggle and half wizard. Also, everyone thinks that one is Harry Potter." He said.

"You think that one is not Harry Potter?" Will asked.

"No, I suspect, it's one of you." He said.

"Oh..." I said.

"And you Percy, I never have seen this. Sorting hats never failed even if it took an hour. I don't know what to do." Dumbledore said.

"Can't I just go to Gryffindor?" I asked.

"I wish it is that easy. But if I just let you go to Gryffindor, everybody will be confused. In Hogwarts, houses are very important." He said.


"I think you should do something very brave to go to Gryffindor." He said.

"I went to Tartarus. That is literally hell!" I yelled.

"I know...but..."

"So should I just jump off this castle?" I asked.

"Maybe." He said.

"I was joking," I said.

"OH.," Dumbledore said.

"Maybe you should try," Leo said.

"Yeah. It will be good or me too. I will be amazed if you succeed. And I can joke about it if you fail." Nico said.

"Okay..." I said.


About an hour later...

"Are you ready????????????!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Annabeth scream from the ground.

So this was the plan. I had to jump down from the roof and for safety, I had to use my wand to look like I used a spell.


Then I jumped.

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