Camping trip that possibly could have ended with blood

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Do you recognize the scene?

Nico's POV

"Is this really necessary?" I asked.

"Yes. I have Professor DUmbledore's permission, too. " Jason said.

"But going into the forbidden wood for a camping trip?" I said.

"It's okay. Piper and others are coming, too." Jason said.

"Will?" I asked.

"Of course. " Jason said.

"Oh...then I guess it's not that bad," I said.

"Hagrid will come with us, too," Jason said.

"But I thought you were going back tonight," Percy said.

"Chiron allowed us to stay here for a couple of days," Jason said.

"Guys, we should pack up too," Annabeth said.

"Yeah," I said and went to my room.


"Okay, let's go over the rules one more time," Jason said.

"Rule number one, NO MAGIC," Annabeth said.

"Rule number two, don't go anywhere without permission," I said.

"Rule number three, stay with your group," Percy said.

"If you need any help, tell us," Hazel said.

"Okay, now let the camping trip began!" Jason yelled.

"Team 1, get some wood.

Team 2, get water.

Team 3, 4, 5 make the tents.

And bring your weapons, because you don't know what will happen. We heard that there is a monstrous creature around here." Percy said.

Everybody started to run around.

"Frank can turn into a bear or something and follow Team 1. They don't have swords so the bear will be good." Annabeth said.

"Sure." Frank ran to trees to change his form.

"We have to use some of our powers but we have to do it secretly," Annabeth said.

"Understood." We all said.

We all sat down in a lug.

"Um, Percy what is this?" Ron asked.

"Uh...tent?" Percy said.

"Why is it so small? Where is the kitchen? Bed?" Ron asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Tents are supposed to have rooms and bathrooms," Ron said.

"How can a bathroom fit into a tent let alone a kitchen?" Piper asked.

"You know, magically?" Ron asked.

"Ohh. These are not magical. " Will said.

"Then what about bathrooms? " Ron asked.

"We have a bathroom inside Hermione's bag," I said.

"Oh, Hermione's bag can be magical but not the tent?" Ron asked.

"Yeah. Unless you want to dig up a hole and use that." I said.

"Ewwww. Fine." Ron said.

"Umm. We got the water, but how do we purify it?" Team 2 asked.

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