Operation Lure the Cub of the Sea

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So, the Operation Lure the Cub of the Sea has almost worked. I ran over to him, to check if he died. However, I still heard the heartbeat. I didn't know what to do. If he woke up, he will tell everyone that it was me who told him to go straight to Voldemort. There was no way but to kill him himself. 

He pulled out his dagger and was about to stab his heart when Ron yelled.

"Harry! What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill Percy?!" Ron yelled.

"Harry, how could you?"Hermione yelled.

"Wait, you don't understand! He is the bad guy!" I yelled.

"What are you saying? He risked his life!" Hermione yelled.

"I...I.." I didn't know what to say.


Nobody's POV

"Where in the world is Snape and Percy?!" Annabeth yelled.

"Snape didn't go to the Room Requirement, but I am still going to check. Percy is probably fighting a monster." Thalia yelled and went to the Room of Requirement. She brought Leo, too.

"Wait, who will open the door?" Leo asked while going to the Room of Requirement.

"Umm...wait...how is the door opened?" Thalia asked.

Strangely, the door to the Room of Requirement was open. Or, let's say the portal was open.

"Weird...but our lives are weird...so...let's go inside." Thalia and Leo went inside.

"Okay...wait...is Harry trying to kill Percy?" Leo screamed and ran toward them.

"Is...he...you know...dead?" Thalia said horrified.

"Harry here was trying to kill Percy. But, we saw Voldemort's killing curse hit Percy." Hermione said.

"Was he in the water?" Thalia asked.

"Yeah," Ron said.

"Then he is not dead. But he is almost." Thalia said.

"And Harry...he..." Hermione said.

"I...I.." Harry was stammering.

"YOu...wait...is that SNAPe?! With VOLDEWART?!" Leo screamed.

Thalia and Leo ran toward Snape. His eyes widened.

"I will take care of them, Lord Voldemort," Snape said and ran toward him.

Since Thalia and Leo thought he was trying to kill them, they started to run.

When Voldemort was not able to see them, Snape stopped.

"Guys, stop! I am not going to kill you guys." Snape said.

"You were with Voldewart! You traitor!" Leo yelled.

"No. I am actually a double spy. I pretend I am a death eater, but I actually help Dumbeldore." Snape said.

"But what if you are pretending to be our friend, but actually helping Voldemort?" Thalia asked.

"Please trust me, I will never betray Dumbledore. He is like my family, along with Harry, even though he doesn't know that." Snape said.

"Oh..." Leo said.

"Sorry. You are very brave." Thalia said.

"Let's go back," Leo said.

"But Percy!"Thalia yelled.

"What about him?" Snape asked.

"Harry tried to kill him," Leo said.

"What?!" Snape yelled.

"Just calm down. Voldemort can't know he is still alive. Leo and I will sneak to the portal and find Annabeth." Thalia said.

"Okay," Snape said.


Percy's POV

"Do you have to argue about who is better parenting? Because you are both bad. I mean I know Hades is...but I am pretty sure you will be bad, too." I said to Persephone.

"So...who is better?" Persephone asked.

"We don't need his opinion," Hades said.

"Right there! I asked a kid's opinion. Which means I am a better parent even I wouldn't be." Persephone.

"Then why?" I screamed.

"Oh! I see that the Harry Potter boy is trying to kill you." Hades said.

"Stop joking," I said.

"I'm not joking. I can show you." Hades said and suddenly a screen appeared.

"Harry! What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill Percy?!"

"Harry, how could you?"

"Wait, you don't understand! He is the bad guy!"

"What are you saying? He risked his life!" 

"I can't believe it." I was stunned.

The one who sacrificed his lives so many times to protect the ones he love, and yet he was trying to kill me. 

I didn't know what to say. He was always nice to me after he knew I was a demigod.

I just sat there and for the first time in forever, I felt so useless and lonely.

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