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OMG I love that drawing(Frank seriously?)

Percy's POV


"Hi, we will be your teacher for this class," Annabeth said.

"You are kidding me, right?" One of the kids said.

"If students can teach, Harry should be the teacher," Ron said.

"Well, this is more like Defense against Monsters," I said.


"Monsters? Still, Harry. He defeated many monsters." Ron said.

"I mean, monsters that don't get affected by magic. You can only kill it by Imperial gold or Celestial Bronze." I said.

"And how do you know about this?" Ron asked.

"I hate you," I said.

"Percy! Well, there are some in America." Annabeth said.

"But, we don't how to fight." One kid said.

"That's why we are teaching you guys, duh," Nico said.

"First, you have to choose your weapon. " I said.

"There are swords, arrows, daggers..." Annabeth said.

"How do we use it?" Hermione asked.

"Percy and I can show you," Annabeth said.

"What about me?" Nico asked.

"You can watch?" I asked.

"Hmph," Nico said.

Annabeth and I charged at each other. I drew up my riptide and swayed to Annabeth, who stopped me with her dagger. She ran to me with her dagger. I ducked and went behind her.

"Were you eating blue cookies late at night?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I asked.

"You are getting lazy." She said and almost pierced my stomach.

"And that's how it's done." She said.

"Pffffft," I said.

"Wow," Harry said.

"We can't do that! The only physical thing we do is quidditch." Ron said.

"What is quidditch anyway?" I asked.

"Wow. You don't know about quidditch, or about Voldemort, are even wizards?" Harry asked.

"What? Of course!" I yelled trying to look offended, even though I wasn't.

"Well, quidditch is a game using brooms and balls," Hermione said.

"Do you have to fly, and like up in the sky?" I asked.

"Yeah," Ron said.

"Then, I don't think I have to know about this. Sky and I aren't well, not friends." I said.

"You are afraid of heights?" Harry asked.

"I am not afraid of heights. I am afraid of the sky." I said.

"Same here," Nico said.

"Well, that's weird," Ron said.

"Though, I want to play it..." I said.

The rest of the class well didn't go well.


"I am going to IM to Olympus," I said.

"Are you crazy?!" Leo yelled.

"Maybe," I said.

"You actually want to play?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah, and nobody can stop me," I said.

I made a rainbow and threw a drachma.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering, and show me Olympus," I said.

Soon I saw Zeus.

"What is this?" Zeus said.

"It's called Iris Message," Hades said.

"Whatever. Why did you call us?" Poseidon asked.

"Well, I want to do try out this Quidditch and I have to be in the sky, so please can you...not try to kill me?" I asked.

"NO," Zeus said.

"Brother, seriously. He is my son." Poseidon said.

"I know. That's why I don't like him." Zeus said.

"It's the only physical thing in this school!" I said.

"Just give him a rest," Athena said.

"But..." Zeus said.

"Yeah, it's no fair. I don't kill your children when they come into the sea." Poseidon said.

"Fine!" Zeus snapped and waved the mist.

"Yes!" I yelled.

"The tryout is...tomorrow," Annabeth said.

"WHAT!! I don't even have a broom!" I yelled.

"Yes, you do. Hecate gave us brooms." Leo said.

I ran to my suitcase and pulled out a broom.

"Firebolt...huh. Why fire?" I asked.

"Ohh! I like that name!" Leo yelled.

I climbed to it. The broom went up.

"This is easy! It's like controlling water." I said.

"Hecate didn't put any magic in it, so you must be natural!" Piper yelled.

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