You do not want to get on Annabeth's bad side

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Annabeth's POV

"Ummm...Annabeth? We don't know how to break this to ya, but VoldemortkilledPercy99%andHarrywantedtofinishhim." Leo said.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"You should go," Thalia yelled.

"THAT..." I was so angry.

I ran to the portal and went straight to Percy.

"No...Percy!" I was stunned.

I thought back when Percy was all poisoned in Tartarus.

"You know...he is not dead, yet," Hermione said.

"Can you bring him to the Hospital Wing and tell Will?" I asked, crying.

"Of course. I am very sorry." Ron said.

When they went to the portal, I looked toward Harry. I was so mad. All my anger came out. He tried to kill Percy. Percy. She ran toward him with her dagger.

Nico and Hazel ran over.

"Woah. Annabeth. Calm down." Hazel said.

"He tried to kill Percy!" I screamed.

"What?! Percy? That scumbag, I am going to kill him." Nico was all mad, too.

The ground started to shook.

"No Nico. No." Hazel said very sternly.

"No, he tried to kill Percy!" Nico yelled.

"I said NO!" Hazel yelled.

Suddenly a screen appeared.

" this working Hades?...okay...wait..." Percy was mumbling.

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled.

"Oh..hi, guys! I just wanted you to not kill Harry. I know...he tried to kill me because he hates me...but your dad tried to kill me too." Percy said.

"Good point," Nico said.

"So Hades said if Will cures me, I will be all okay," Percy said.


"Okay..." Hazel said.

We ran to the hospital wing as fast as we can.

"WILL!!!!!!" I yelled.

"Woah, what's going on?" Will asked.

"Percy. He is not dead. If you give him a cure, he will be okay." Hazel said.

"Already did it. He will be good in a few hours, anyway what happened?" Will asked.

"So, first, Voldemort did the killing curse, but Percy was in the water, so he wasn't dead. Then, Harry tried to kill him, but fortunately, Ron and Hermione stopped him." Hazel said.

"That is a very weird story," Will said.

"I know! It's just why would Harry try to kill Percy?" Nico asked.

"I know. Wait, what happened to Harry?" I asked.

"I don't know," Hazel said.

"He ran away," Nico said angrily.

"We will talk about that later. Anyway, what about the monsters?" I asked.

"The others did very well and we won!" Will said.

"Yay! We need more wizards on Camp Half-Blood." Hazel said.

"Wouldn't Voldemort retreat since we won here? " Nico asked.

"Yeah. Harry Potter escaped and Percy Jackson "died"." I said.

Suddenly, Neville burst into the room with a grin.

"You-Know-Who retreated!" He yelled.

"Great timing," Will said.

"We are going to have a celebration is Camp Half-Blood," Neville said.

"Okay, but right now, Percy has to rest and Harry...well he betrayed us," I said.

"What?! Harry, but he is our friend," Neville said.

"He tried to kill Percy," Nico said.

"He would never do that," Neville said.

"Ron and Hermione said so," Hazel said.

"That's why they weren't smiling," Neville said.

"But, we still won. We can worry later, but first, let's join the others." I said.

"Good idea," Nico said.

We all want outside, looking grim.

"Oh...Percy." Piper said.

"What? No...Percy is okay, but Harry...betrayed us." I said.

"What?!" People yelled.

"I know. I know. It's weird." I said.

"No. Harry here and said he will go to his room," Jason said.

"The Marauder's Map," Neville said.

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