Quidditch Tryout

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"I thought you were afraid of the sky? And is that Firebolt?!" Ron yelled.

"Yeah, and I am okay now," I said.

"So what do you want to try for?" Harry asked.

"What spots are empty?" I asked.

"Two chasers and two beaters," Angelina said.

"Hmm...I wanted to be the seeker, but the chaser is fine." I said.

"Seeker? Never in a million years. Harry is the seeker, and he is the best." Ron said.

"Huh really? I didn't know, I mean you don't exactly look like a physical type." I said.

"This getting exciting," Angelina said.

"So you are saying that you are a better seeker then me?" Harry asked.

"No, that's not what I meant," I said.

"Yay! A battle!" Seamus yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"When there are two people who want the same spot, there is a battle, and since, we have the past players, we can do it right now. " Ron said.

We went to the field. 

"1...2...3!" Jordan yelled.

We went up. 

Since I was in several wars before, I was able to not get by any of the balls. I circled around, then I noticed the Snitch behind. I didn't show any excitement. I just went behind him and catches it. I hold up the snitch. Everyone gasped.

"Wow. I didn't know anyone better than Harry!" Angelina said.

"You are the new seeker!" Jordan yelled.

"What? No, it's okay. I thought it would be more exciting to be a seeker but I think I prefer chaser." I said.

"You are giving up the Seeker's position?!" Ron yelled.

"Yeah, well," I said.

"I don't need to see you doing it. You are a chaser!" Harry yelled.

"You are not mad?" I asked.

"What?! No! You were amazing!" Harry said.

"Really? Thank you." I said.

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