Christmas Part 2

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"Tyson you made me a new one?!" I yelled.

"A watch?" Leo asked.

"A watch that turns into a shield!" I yelled.

"Hmph. I can make one of those with a tracking device in it." Leo said.

"Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yelled.

"You're welcome," Tyson said.

"Since there is no Harry and Ron, we are going to have soo much fun!" I yelled.

"But, what can we do in this castle...well except...we can go to the room of requirement!" Jason yelled.


"Umm...swimming pool! No...a room full of candy...wait...I wonder..." I said.

I opened the door and saw the 12 Olympians.

"Uhh. I'm so sorry!" I yelled and closed the door.

"What happened?" Annabeth asked.

"Olympus," I said.

"Oh god, Percy," Piper said.

"Anyway, where should we go?" Hazel asked.

"Hmmm. If we can go to Olympus, maybe we can..." Annabeth opened the door.

"Huh? Why can't I...? Wait, Percy, you try it."

"Where?" I asked.

"Camp Half-Blood," Annabeth said.

"Okay." I opened the door.

"Ahh!" Somebody yelled.

"Connor?" I asked.

"Percy? How? I thought you were in that Pigwarts." Connor said.

"Can you bring Chiron?" Annabeth asked.

"How can Percy open it but you can't?" Jason asked.

"The portal of magic!" Piper yelled.

"Exactly," Annabeth said.

"Annabeth! Percy!" Chiron yelled.

"The portal of magic. I think Percy is the one." Annabeth said.

"Ohh...yeah. But, how did you exactly came here?" Chiron asked.

"We opened the room of requirements. Percy opened the door and we saw Olympus." Nico said.

"Olympus!"Chiron said.

"I think it's time," Annabeth said.

"For what?" I asked.

"We have to tell the wizards that we are demigods. 

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