The Begining

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A.N: okay guys I'm gonna start off by saying 1 I've never done a TVD Fic before so be gentle please 2 almost everything is gonna be different because well I don't remember much of what happened anyway all I know is Bonnie Bennett deserved SO much better than what she got n it still pisses me off 3 they lost so much potential with how they did Klaus and Bonnie they're chemistry is undeniable n they have family history like dude it was right there! I'm positive that is why they stopped having so many scenes together but so this fic is really just me being indulgent on my own selfish need to give Bonnie better😂

Bonnie POV:
As I slowly open my eyes, the first thing I realize is I am not in my own bed. The second is that the light hurts like hell. Groaning I slowly try to sit up, willing myself to remember what happened.

"You got it open" I hear. Whipping my head up I look at Stefan, who has a drink in his hand as he leans against the wall. For a moment he just looks like regular Stefan, the sweet and kind Stefan. He looks like my friend, but as I process his words I remember he's not.

This Stefan is cold, he has no humanity. I look around and see I'm in the Salvatore's living room, I realize my estranged mother Abby is on the other couch still out cold. Stefan takes a sip as he looks into the lit fireplace.

Letting out a frustrated sigh I lean my elbows on my knees I place my face in my hands. I will myself to remember what happened. I remember me and Abby we're doing a spell, trying to get the last of Klaus's coffins open. Then nothing.

"What was inside?" I ask the ripper. He shrugs before turning to me. His eyes staring into my own.

"I was hoping you could tell me that" he says and I raise an eyebrow at the vampire in front of me. Is he stupid?

"If I knew I wouldn't be asking" I tell him sarcastically. He smirks at me before sitting on one of the many armchairs. Shaking my head I sit back, hoping Abby would wake up soon so we could leave. As a thought occurs to me I look at Stefan, frustration growing inside of me.

"So now not only do we have an psychotic original hybrid on the loose with all his murdering little siblings with him, but we could've unleashed something much worse and we don't even know what it is?" I ask him incredulously and he just shrugs. My eyes widen and I have to stop myself from giving him a full on aneurism. Luckily for him, Abby chose that moment to waking up.

Getting up and going over to her I sigh. The older woman may not have been the mother I wanted but she is the mother I got, and she is trying now. She gave up a cushy home with a good job and her son to come back and help me. To get right back into the complicated supernatural world. Groaning as she opens her eyes, I give her a small smile.

"Hi Abby" I say softly and she looks around in confusion. Slowly sitting up with my help, she lets out a sigh of her own as she does.

"What happened?" She asks and I shake my head, not wanting to voice that I don't know.

"You failed" Stefan speaks up from his spot on the couch. I whip my head to the abomination and look at him through narrowed eyes.

"Excuse me" I spit out as he shrugs as if it was the most normal thing in the world, taking another sip of his drink.

"You did, you let whatever that was in the coffin get away and you didn't even get a look at it. That is failure Bonnie" he says and by the time he's done speaking I've had enough. Standing up I hold out a hand, making the vampire slam against the wall. Holding him there with my magic I give him an aneurism.

"I failed?!" I ask him. I hear Abby gasp in shock but continue my assault on the monster in front of me. "You have brought nothing but death since you came into this town, you told me that the key to defeating Klaus was in that coffin and let's not forget how many times I've almost died for you" I yell at him. His screams of pain fill the manor and I hear more people walk into the living room. Without even turning I know it's Damon.

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