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~ Third Person's POV

A/N: Eehuey is pronounced as "Ih-wey".

"She's awake..."

A voice echoed in Eehuey's ears, she gently opened her eyes as soon as she redeemed consciousness.

She saw faces but could not recognize them because her eyes were still blurry. She tried to get up but she was too weak, for sure she was not in her own room.

When she redeemed her vision, she realized that it was her guardians.

"W-where am I?" she asked.

"My dear child,  we're glad you're awake..." sister Joan held her hand.

Eehuey's guardians were the sisters living in the convent, she never met her real parents and had live her whole life in the convent with the sisters who adopted her.

"You're in the hospital, you just woke up from a coma." Sister Rose replied.

"C-coma?" she was confused at first but then she suddenly remembered that she got into an accident.

"Xiaojun..." she whispered only for her to hear.

Upon remembering that, she came back to her senses.

"W-where's Xiaojun? I need to see him, I need to talk to him." she said, she was starting to panic.

The sisters were left speechless by her question, they all looked at each other with sadness in their eyes.

"Oh my, sweetie..." Sister Flora finally spoke.

"How do I say this?" she stuttered.

The sisters patted sister Flora's back and sister Rose took it from there.

"Eehuey, I'm afraid to tell you that..." Sister Rose breathed before continuing her sentence. "Xiaojun didn't make it."

"W-what?" she whispered.

Eehuey was trembling, her hands were shaking and her heart was bracing swiftly.

"Xiaojun is gone."


It was a gloomy afternoon, sadness fills the atmosphere and the sound of a woman crying for her son echoed through the halls of the wake.

Lady Mei Ling have just arrived from Germany with his son, she'd never thought that after leaving his eldest with his drunkard father she'd meet him agin this way.

She had just sued his ex-husband for physically abusing their eldest son.

"My son, my poor son... I should've brought you with me to Germany. Everything would've been better for you there, with me and your brother." she cried her soul.

"I'll never forgive the people who did this to you."

She didn't care what the people around her would think, she was expressing her sadness, the grieving of a mother who just lost his son.


The mother was startled when a gentle voice called his son's name. She looked behind her and saw a girl in a white dress entering the wake.

One Last Time (WayV - Xiaojun AU | WayV - Yangyang AU)Where stories live. Discover now