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~ Third Person's POV

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~ Third Person's POV

"That wicked woman! If only I found out about it earlier I would've confronted her."

The sisters found out about what Lady Mei Ling did to Eehuey.

Eehuey told them about it since they saw her being sent off by their chauffer, her hair was a mess, her dress was torn and she had wounds and bruises all over her face ang body.

They were helping her apply bandages and ointments on her bruises and wounds.

"Now calm down, sister Flora." sister Rose patted her back.

"Calm down? Look at what she did to Eehuey? How shoukd I calm down? I am enraged." she answered.

"What were you even doing there in the first place, sweetie?" Sister Flora asked Eehuey.

Eehuey was still in tears as she sat on the stool while the sisters were helping her. "Xiaojun said that she wanted to introduce me to his family... but it went horribly wrong."

"Honey..." sister Joan went to her side. "You should've expected it to go wrong, Mei Ling is a wicked woman."

"I am sorry, I was stupid for thinking Lady Mei Ling would welcome me in her place." she cried even more.

The sisters gave her hugs and kisses on her forehead to calm her down.

"Sweetheart, I know how much you love Xiaojun but you should also know how things are in our society." Sister Joan said to her.

"A love like what you and Xiaojun have is something that is unusual in our town and people are most likely to be against it." sister Flora added.

"But can't we change that?" she asked them.

All three sisters looked at each other. "We're not sure, my child."

"Maybe it's best sweetie if you and Xiaojun would..." Sister Rose paused for a while. "If you two would separate."


Eehuey could not sleep that night, she was crying not because of what happened at Xiaojun's house but rather the thought of letting go of what they had.

She became so attached to Xiaojun that it became hard for her to imagine herself without him, she'd go back to being miserable again.

Xiaojun was everything she had.

* Next day...

She entered school and everyone had their eyes on her, seeing she was filled with bruises and wounds on her face and body.

One Last Time (WayV - Xiaojun AU | WayV - Yangyang AU)Where stories live. Discover now