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Listen to Xiaojun's cover of Honesty by Pink $weats
Credits: neocuddle


~ Third Person's POV

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~ Third Person's POV

"Xiaojun, my son."

Xiaojun averted his gaze at her mother upon calling his name. Her mom wiped her lips with napkin before uttering a word to his son while they were at the dining table.

"Tzeline, told me that you were hanging out with the sisters' adopted child? Is that true?" she raised an eyebrow at him.

Yangyang who was seated next to his brother averted his gaze at his brother as well.

Xiaojun never mentioned about it to his family not even to his own brother, that's why he got nervous all of a sudden 'cause he knew her mother wouldn't like it.

"Yes." he responded without hesitation. Her mother rolled her eyes at him and scoffed.

"There's nothing wrong with that ma, I mean... Tzeline she's the one who — "

"Tzeline is your wife - to - be, she has all the right reasons to treat that peasant what she deserves, Xiaojun!" she answered.

"Stop calling her a peasant, ma. She doesn't deserve to be treated like how Tzeline treated her."

All of a sudden, his mother pounded the table with her fist making Yangyang and Xiaojun quiver in fear.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Do not mingle with the lower class?!" she shouted at him.

Xiaojun pursed his lips when her mother's voice raised at him.

"You are being stubborn again, Xiaojun! I should've sent you to Yangyang's school where everyone who studies there are in the upper class." she said.

"What's so wrong about being mixed with other people ma? I don't understand why you take this hierarchy so seriously?! Can't I be friends with anyone I want regardless of their social status?" he asked.

Yangyang was just listening to his mom and brother's argument.

Yangyang was someone who never stood up for what he wants even though sometimes he doesn't agree with his mother's commands.

He just follows what their parents order them to do so, but Xiaojun wasn't like him. He would stood up for what he believes in especially if he knows he is right.

Xiaojun was always against his mother, he thinks it's unreasonable for people to think so highly of themseleves and treat others bad just because they're more fortunate than others.

"Mei Ling, there's nothing wrong with our son being friends with the lower class." his dad interefered, while taking a sip of his wine.

"Just as long as he doesn't fall in love with her." he added.

One Last Time (WayV - Xiaojun AU | WayV - Yangyang AU)Where stories live. Discover now