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~ Third Person's POV

The burble coming from flow of water soothes her, she felt the gentle breeze of summer air on her skin. Birds chirping and leaves swaying with the winds, she listened to it with her eyes closed.

It is was peaceful, serene and calm.

But then... she woke up.

Her eyes opened gently and she realized something... she wasn't in her room anymore, obviously.

As soon as she woke up she felt a gentle touch on her bare arm and her hair was being carressed.

She was at the lake...

Her eyes squinted while her brows furrowed upon realizing this. She gently tilted her head side to side thinking she was only dreaming.

"You're awake." someone spoke.

She got goosebumps hearing his voice all of a sudden, she thought she was just hearing things but she wasn't and so she quickly sat up.

She saw him...

She realized she was laying on his lap while she was sleeping and he was the once carressing her hair. She had surprised reaction making him smile awkwardly at her.

"Are you okay? Why are you staring at me like that?" his laugh sounded a little confused too.

She stared at him for seconds then she quickly cupped his face making him confused, she started squeezing his cheeks and pinching his nose.

"Hey... what's going on, Eehuey?" he laughed as he took her hands off his face. "Are you okay?"

"No way." she said, eyes still looking like there about to come out of her eye sockets.

"No way what?" he asked.

She tried to check him one last time if he was real by poking the sides of his tummy that made him chuckle.

"Hey hey! Don't poke me there, you know I'm ticklish." he said as he gently swatted her hands away.

It was really him though.

"Oh my gosh! You're real." she exclaimed, hands covering her mouth.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "What?"

"This is not dream, right? Am I dreaming? Please tell me I'm not dreaming." she asked him, she started patting herself to check if she, herself, was real.

He started to laugh at her, thinking she was so cute.

"Of course not, this isn't a dream. What are you talking about?" he asked.

She stared at him again, looking loss in his eyes. She can't believe it.

He's really infront of her right now... for real, but is it real this time? Or is this just another dream.

 for real, but is it real this time? Or is this just another dream

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One Last Time (WayV - Xiaojun AU | WayV - Yangyang AU)Where stories live. Discover now