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~ Third Person's POV

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~ Third Person's POV

Xiaojun went to prison to bail out Eehuey but it turns out the sisters have already bailed her out and she was proven innocent.

Since Eehuey was a minor she cannot be sent to jail and Lady Mei Ling did not have enough evidence to support her claim that Eehuey did stole her necklace apart from the fact that it was seen in her bag.

Well in fact, she didn't mind she just wanted to embarass the poor young lady in her school.

Yes, they framed her.

The sisters ended up fighting with Mei Ling in prison and that was when Xiaojun arrived, however to his dismay Eehuey was not there anymore.

She was already sent home.


"What happened in prison?" Yangyang asked upon the arrival of Tzeline with Mei Ling from prison.

"The sisters bailed her out." she answered. "But it doesn't matter..." she sat on the sofa.

"Her reputation is already ruined, that's what matters." she added.

"And Xiaojun?" he asked.

She rolled her eyes. "He's downstairs arguing with your mom and dad."

Yangyang sighed, he thought it was a really bad idea to frame Eehuey in the first place but he had no choice but to join the plan.

"Did you even talk to your brother?" Tzeline asked.

"Yes, I tried to convince him." he said. "He won't believe me... he still believes Eehuey."

"Tch! Why am I not surprise?" she said and shook her head.


After the incident, Eehuey did not attend class for more than 2 weeks. She felt embarass to go to school after what happened.

Xiaojun tried to communicate with her as much as he can but she wasn't responding. He tried to visit her in her house but the sisters warned him to stay away from her and would not allow him to speak with her.

He was scared, svared that what's between them might be over after what happened.

Today, Eehuey decided to go somewhere peaceful, she wanted to take her mind off the things that was bothering her.

The past few weeks had been rough on her and she was in deep thoughts wheter or not she would still continue his relationship with Xiaojun.


One Last Time (WayV - Xiaojun AU | WayV - Yangyang AU)Where stories live. Discover now