F I N A L E (Alternate Ending)

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Author's note:

Hello, I've decided to add the alternate ending of this story. If you've read FINALE, you'd have to disregad that part if this is the ending you prefer.

But if you prefer a happy ending, sadly, this is not for you. :( I suggest you end the story with the FINALE.

This is the "original-not-so-happy ending"


The Alternate Ending

FINALEThe Alternate Ending

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~ Third Person's POV

As much as Eehuey wished for everything to be all just a lucid dream... Sadly, this is the harsh reality she has to face.

It was really good bye Xiaojun & good bye Yangyang.

After undergoing memory deletion, Yangyang remained in the hospital for about a month then after recovering, then they immediately back to Germany... and this time, it's for good.

Dejavu right? She's as miserable as she was when Xiaojun first met her.

It's was like going back to phase one...

There are days when she thought of ending her existence, but she was too afraid. She was afraid of dying... because if she died, the memory of their bitter-sweet love would be buried along with her.
She was scared of losing those memories she shared with the people that meant a lot to her.

Unfortunately, for Eehuey, life had already ended when Xiaojun perished... but when Yangyang came, she felt the same feelings of genuine happiness, she felt like falling in love again even though she knew that it's not right to fall in love with Yangyang.

Eehuey regrets not cherishing the moments she spent with Yangyang just because she was still broken inside. Yangyang everything he can to protect her and accompany her through her darkest times and she wished she appreciated him.

Despite all this, Eehuey made herself strong and thought to herself that life goes on no matter what.



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One Last Time (WayV - Xiaojun AU | WayV - Yangyang AU)Where stories live. Discover now