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~ Third Person's POV

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~ Third Person's POV

Today the couple decided to have their private date at the lake. While waiting for Xiaojun, Eehuey was quietly reading her favorite book.

She then averted her gaze at the bushes when she heard the twigs and leaves being disturbed, she immediately closed the book she was reading to wait if it was Xiaojun arriving.

A bright smile greeted her and she didn't hesitated to stand up to give him a tight hug as if they didn't see each other for so long.

"Xiaojun!" she cheerdully greeted.

"Sorry baby I was late, I was busy at home." Xiaojun answered, giving her a hug as well.

"It's okay, I understand." she said and broke from their hug.

The excitement from her eyes withered when she noticed something on his face that made Xiaojun concious all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice sounding a little tensed.

Eehuey did not respond, instead she used her thumb to wipe off what she suspected concealing cream off of Xiaojun's face.

"Ouch." Xiaojun whimpered at her touch.

Eehuey was shock to see a dark purple bruise on the side of his face.

"What's this?" she asked him.

Xiaojun's eyes were locked hers and his hand shakily touched the bruise on his face that he was obviously hiding.

"It's... n-nothing." he stuttered.

Eehuey was still skeptical and wasn't satisfied with his answer.

"What happened to you? Did you got into an accident? Did someone beat you up?" she held unto Xiaojun's chin and tilted his head sideway as she eyed his bruise.

"No no..." he said, gently swatting her hand off his face. "I just bumped into something, that's all." he assured.

But Eehuey wasn't having his excuse.

"Then why were you hiding it from me?" she asked.

Xiaojun sighed heaving. "I knew you would react like this that's why I tried to hide it."

"It's only natural for me to worry about you." she said. "I am your girl."

"I understand..." he took her hands and smiled bitterly. "But this is really nothing serious." he assured her.

Eehuey gulped, she wasn't sure if she'd trust his words but what can she do, he said he was okay so maybe she believed him.


One Last Time (WayV - Xiaojun AU | WayV - Yangyang AU)Where stories live. Discover now