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"You're so distracted today." Jimin points out when they start packing their things when the class is over. Jungkook however is too distracting to answer, hastily stuffing things into his bags and grabbing his jacket he finds himself rushing after the two omega's.

"What are you doing?!" Jimin asks, grabbing his arm to keep them from them.

"I have to say—"

"You have class, nothing else." Jimin says seriously. "You barely made last year Kook, you have to take this seriously."


"No let's go, you'll see your old friend at lunch." Jimin says sternly, only to drag Jungkook to their next class. In which Taehyung and Namjoon are as well.

Jungkook finds himself wondering if the omega had seem him and is ignoring his existence or whether the elder just hasn't spitted him yet.

And what if the omega did? What would it be like after all these years? Yes, they've had been close since he was boen but friendships don't always last. Maybe Taehyung doesn't even want to speak to him anymore, or maybe he's forgotten all about him and is he the one foolishly clinging to memories.

It's odd seeing the elder like this, he'd always seen Taehyung as strong alpha but now he looks... feminine.

Taking a seat he finds it impossible to focus on what's being explained and accepts that he'll have to beg Jimin for the notes later.

Kim Taehyung, omega. He doesn't think anybody would have seen that one coming. As child the elder had always been brave, strong and everything an alpha was supposed to be. Looking down at the omega who's busy writing notes he can't help but remain filled with disbelief.

"Stop staring and take notes." Jimin whispers, harshly pulling him from his thoughts. His cheeks taint a little red as he hadn't been aware he was staring.

So for the rest of class he really tries to work but he can't help but peek at the omega every now and then. Reminding himself not to stare.

With this activity time seems to go by rather fast and before they know it class is dismissed. He watches the omega get up to ask the teacher something as he's being dragged along by Jimin.

"What's your little obsession with Joonie's friend?"

"Who's friend?"

"Namjoon's friend, your staring is creepy" Jimin points out as they make their way outside. The whether still fairly nice.

"I just have so many questions."


Jungkook scoffs. "Him, will Namjoon bring him here? He said that he's see you at lunch."

Jimin shrugs. "I think so, maybe they're meeting with their third friend first. Maybe he doesn't come, really what does it matter. If that guy was your old best friend just go talk to him. Unless you have a good reason not to."

Jungkook really doesn't have a good reason to not talk to Taehyung. Yes the man might not be an alpha but that doesn't change anything right? Taehyung is still Taehyung.

But then there's the fact that the omega clearly didn't want to be friends with anymore. What if he really did do something wrong and the omega hates him?

"There they are." Jimin says, waving to someone behind the taller, a smile on his lips.

"Taehyung's with them." He asks nervously, not sure how he'll speak to his ex-best friend.

"Yes and some pretty guy." The elder alpha smirks, but Jungkook doesn't turn around. Kind of expecting it to be a trick to get him to turn around and face Taehyung.

It's not that he doesn't want to. He does. He's got plenty of question that he wants answered but what if the omega doesn't want to answer any of them.

Up until now they were two friends who just grew apart, at least that was what it was for him. But now suddenly there could be some sort of conflict he isn't aware about at all.

"Hey guys." He looks up, a smiling Namjoon standing besides him with a new guy by his side —Jimin really wasn't trying to trick him— and besides there was Taehyung looking down at his phone.

"Hey." He forces out of his throat, eyes focused on the omega he once called his brother, they were that kind of friends. They knew everything about each other until one day it just went away.

Slowly Taehyung looks up, eyes widening much like Jungkook's did when he first realised who the omega was.


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