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The next day Taehyung doesn't make it to school, Jimin and Jungkook spend their day with Namjoon who's very calm and collected.

"Namjoon, Tae said you guys were like freedom fighters at your own school. Somehow I don't see you causing trouble." He says only for the elder omega to chuckle and shrug. "I know how to pick my battles."

Jungkook smiles and nods, staring at the front of the class, part of him wishing Taehyung was here. At least when the omega was around he wouldn't get easily bored. He doesn't understand why Taehyung hates alpha's so much, especially him. He can't help being an alpha and he can't change the world for the man. The world is the way it is and he'll have to accept that.

Though, he missed hanging out. Hearing the elder laugh and seeing him that passionate. It's also remarkably easy to bicker together. Neither afraid to speak their mind.

Yet part of him is hurt that Taehyung did ditch him that easily. As if their years and years of friendship had meant nothing.

He knows he shouldn't overthink it, Taehyung apologised end of story. If only the dumb omega could be more respectful and obedient. Yet whenever Jungkook opens his mouth the omega seems ready to fight.

"Aish you're think too hard it's making me dizzy." Jimin nudges his side. "Stop frowning you look too pretty when serious."

"Don't be gross Jimin." He says, rolling his eyes.

"What? Can't a man give his friend some love?" The shorter asks, leaning on him with his head.

"A friend, sure. You, never. Whenever you give me compliment I feel icky." The younger jokes only to get slapped on the back of the head. "You're a dickhead."

They start pushing each other a little when suddenly something stirs inside Jungkook. His eyes widen as he recognises the feeling, he hasn't felt too many times but often enough go get panicked.

"Fuck." He growls before grabbing Jimin. "Ask if Namjoon has a car. My rut fucking hit."

The shorter alpha's eyes widen only to start whispering with Namjoon. Luckily they were in study hall and they rush out with all their things.

"Jin's driving you home." Namjoon says when they meet up with the elder alpha who helps the boy out to his car.

Namjoon stays at a safe distance, knowing an alpha in rut can loose control in the blink of an eyes. He wishes them good luck as the three alpha's drive off.

"Who triggered it?" He asks the boy who's just groaning in misery.

"I don't know nobody I know is in he— shit." He pauses. "Taehyung was in pre heat yesterday, heightened pheromones and all that."

"Usually alpha's don't have such a strong reaction to someone's pre heat, guess your wolf really likes the guy." Jin says, calmly stirring to the address Jimin had given him.

They're going to Jimin's place because Jungkook himself still lives at home and having your rut when your parents are downstairs is beyond embarrassing.

"Jimin!" Jungkook growls. "Fuck Jimin."

Jin sighs. "Please don't fuck in my backseat, my kid sits there."

Jimin blinks in confusion, suddenly not paying attention the groaning alpha besides him. "Did you just say kid?"

"Yes I said kid." Jin sighs. "So no funny business."

Jimin is suddenly tugged to the side and staring into Jungkook's lust filled eyes. "Jimin I swear to god I need your mouth on my dick."

"Uh." The short alpha blushes, unsure of what to do. "We're almost at my place, hold on."

Jin chuckles in the front seat but does speed up a little. Jimin tries pushing Jungkook off but the younger is twice as strong.

"C'mon minnie, I'm really dying to fuck something raw."

"Jungkook!" Jimin shrieks, turning tomato red at the shameless words leaving the boy's mouth.

"We're here." Jin says, pulling into a parking spot and opening the door, literally dragging Jungkook out and manhandling him towards the front door.

"Well have fun boys." Jin smiles once Jungkook is inside but before Jimin can thank the elder, the door is slammed shut by the horny wolf.

Jimin is pressed against it and he sighs.

"I really hate your ruts."

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