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"How was your talk." Jimin asks once Jungkook has seated in class, the last one of the day. He's missed the previous one thank to Taehyung.

"He's a fucking brat." Jungkook mutters, watching the younger talk to Namjoon equally as annoyed.

"Namjoon said he was a trouble maker, that Hoseok is equally as annoying." The shorter alpha mutters. "If it wasn't for Namjoon I would've put him back in his place."

The two shake their heads and focus on the lecture that just started. Ignoring the glares they receive from the omega' meanwhile Namjoon is very calm and doesn't seem to mind his friend being all heated.

Jungkook knows he can't just take Taehyung and punish him because he thinks he deserves to but part of him wants to. The omega deserves it.

Omega's had never spoken to him like that, maybe to Jimin but never to him. He was strong, tall, dominant. Omega's always spoke with respect and bowed heads, that the way it was supposed to be.

But Taehyung was right when he said Jungkook should know better. He might be an omega but Taehyung would never swallow his words for someone else's sake. He never cared what anyone thought about him and he never took any shit.

And now suddenly the entire world want him to shut up and be pretty. But that's his faith, Jungkook can't help that and neither can Taehyung. He can be mad at the world as long as he wants to but the world isn't going to change for him.

Part of him is hurt, he hadn't expected them to be like they were but he didn't expect this either. Them almost hating each other.

"Where even is this Hoseok guy?"

"He's a class higher." Jimin says while writing things down. Jungkook hums, wondering why the fuck the omega's got kicked of an omega school but part of him thinks it's because they have such an attitude problem.

When class is dismissed early Namjoon and Taehyung wait on them by the door. Taehyung with a frown and the taller omega with a warm smile.

"Would you guys mind helping us catch up? We missed a lot."

"Yeah sure." Jungkook mumbles, eyes on Taehyung who refuses to look at him.

"Lead us the way to the study hall."

Jimin and him go first, the two omega's following behind. Namjoon seems like a normal omega, obedient, kind and calm.

Once seated in the study hall Jimin and Namjoon pair up and he's left with a grumpy Taehyung who doesn't even bother to take out his books.

Slumped in his chair he glares at the table.

"Well do you want help or not?!" He asks, annoyed by the elder's behaviour.

"Just waiting for permission to take out my books." He growls angrily.

"Tae..." Namjoon sighs.

Jungkook just rolls his eyes and goes to work on his own homework. If Taehyung wants his help he can ask for it, he isn't going to put up with these stupid and childish antics.

He's doing fairly well when Taehyung elbows his side. "Are you going to fucking help me or not?!"

"Taehyung I swear to—"

"Jungkook shut up." Taehyung grits. "You're not the boss of me."

"I am! That's the fucking thing! I'm an alpha you're supposed to listen to me!"

"Fuck you!" Taehyung snaps much to his annoying. There isn't anything he can do here in study hall but someone needs to teach this omega a lesson.

"God you're annoying." The omega says before storming off with his things.

Jungkook could kill his ex-friend right now. He really doesn't understand why the elder has to make everything so difficult.

"Ah I apologise, Taehyung isn't too fond of alpha's." Namjoon says bowing his head a little.

"I feel like he has a personal vendetta against me." Jungkook sighs before shaking his head. "He needs to grow up."

"Don't blame him, he has good reason to be the way he is." The elder omega smile apologetically before turning back to his books.

Jimin shrugs, unsure of what's happening as well.

Meanwhile he himself just states at his books, wondering what possible reason the elder can have to hate him this much. He can't help being an alpha, he'd never want to be an omega but Taehyung can't change who he is.

"I'm going home." He snaps, before gathering his things before storming off as well. If only the omega was his he'd have that attitude disappear with a punishment or two.

Walking off campus to the bus stop he sees Taehyung standing in the distance with the guy that introduced himself as Hoseok and anther omega and alpha.

Their laughing and Taehyung doesn't seem to be a dick to the alpha that's standing there. So it really is personal.

Their eyes meet and the elder omega raises his middle finger at him making his wolf growl on the inside. His fangs wanting to come out.

But he just walks off, shaking his head.

"Dumb omega."

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